I Guess We Fight

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Erin sits cross-legged on her bed, Sara sitting beside her.

Erin fiddles with her hands in her lap while her head rests on Sara's shoulder.

"Thankyou." She whispers to the assassin.

She feels Sara tilt her head. "For what?"

Erin pulls her head from Sara's shoulder and looks up to meet her eyes, "For being there when no one else was."

Sara just offers her a smile before saying "You don't need to thank me for somethinng like that. I'm always going to be here."

Erin smiles at Sara but Sara can tell the smile doesn't reach her eyes.

Before she can say anything the ship shakes and the two girls hold onto eachother for support.

"What the hell was that?" Sara asks the moment the ship stabalizes.

"Gideon?" Erin yells out.

"It appears we are under attack by Tor Degaton and his forces" The AI replies as the ship shakes again.

"Well shit." Erin remarks, standing up.

Sara stands up with her but then grabs Erin's wrist to stop her from leaving.

"You don't have to go." She tells the panther.

Erin just shakes her head, disagreeing, "It's okay."

Erin starts to walk out, taking Sara with her.

"Plus, i could use a good fight." Erin smirks back at Sara, who does the same back.

The girls make their way to the bridge where the rest of the team is gathered.

"Where's Rip?" Erin asks when they walk in, immediatly noticing the absence of their captain.

"We don't know," Jax tells them as he grips onto a chair for support when the ship shakes, "He took mini hitler and ditched."

"Great." Sara rolls her eyes.

"I'm afraid our shields will not be able to sustain continued bombardment."

"You're afraid!?" Sara sasses to the AI as the ship continues to rock back and forth.

"Here's an idea, why don't you fire back?" Snart snaps.

"I would but," Ray inturupts the Ai when he walks in, "The flying robots have targeted our weapons systems."

"We don't need weapons."

"He's right," Jax adds on, "We've got superpowers.

The team all smiles and smirks with amusement, knowing they can finally cause some destruction.

"Well, i guess we fight." Erin smiles.

She turns to Sara who says to the team "Let's go."

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