Revelations of the Past

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The large black cloak covered her face as she stood in the shadows. The people around her chanted as the body was lowered down into the liquid.

She stood silently, the cloak draped over her body covering every inch of her being.

Suddenly the lowering stopped and every member went silent, waiting in anticipation.

A body jumps from the pit and slowly the girl lifts her black hood up and off of her face.

The bloodlust is now present deep in the mans eyes, and the girl could see it.

He growled, like an animal, and began to charge at the leader.

Two guards came and grabbed his arms restraining him from moving any further.

"What is this madness!?" The leader yells as he is furious with the results.

"What is wrong with him? Somebody cure him immediatly!" The leader roars.

"Nobody knows how, Sir!" A soldier yelled from the sidelines.

"I do." A voice says from the shadows. All bodies turn to face the voice, swords are immediatly drawn as the girl removed her hood.

"You were banished. Kill her." The leader yells upon seeing the persons face.

She pulls out a sword and defends herself from her first attacker.

One attacker down, then two, then three. All the way up to 7 before she yells "Enough!"

The assassins hesitate for a moment and allow her to speak, "Do you want your best assassin back or not?" She directs towards the leader.

"Halt!" He yells in Arabic.

"How?" He speaks once more.

"By using me." Erin says.

"I've said it before and i will say it again, there is nothig physically wrong Miss. Cooper. We have found no progress in this over the past week." Stein tells Erin as she swings her legs over the edge of her bed.

Erin groans at the results. "Stein please just call me Erin."

Stein nods his head before saying, "Well then, Erin, there seems to be nothing physically abnormal."

"Then what the hell was it!?" She yells at nobody in particular, jumping off the bed and getting mad.

"Hey." Sara grabs her forearm, "We'll figure this out." She meets the brunettes eyes, calming her down.

"Okay." Erin replies, her voice barley above a whisper.

"If you'll excuse me, i must go check on our Captain." Stein determines while leaving the two.

Sara doesn't let go of Erin's arm. Neither one of them speaks as a minute passes.

Erin breaks the silence by saying "You can go play cards with Snart, i heard you promise him earlier."

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