We Took His Lid

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"Please don't do this." She begged.

Erin just advanced on her, not even caring.

"Come on, look, it's me. Remember me?" She pleaded.

But Erin couldn't remember her, Erin just saw a person, her prey.

She stalked closer and closer to her until it was only 3 feet that kept them apart.

Tears streamed down her face but that had no affect on Erin.

All Erin knew was that she had to kill.

"I'm not going to hurt you." She cried. "Please remember me. It's Sara, come on please."

Erin just growled in response, lunging towards her and aiming for her neck.

Erin jolted, her eyes darting around the room looking rapidly for Sara.

Soft fingers stroked through her hair and Erin turned to see the one person she wanted most right now.


Erin lets out a sigh, it was just a dream, no, a nightmare.

Sara smiles down at Erin but doesn't say anything, giving her the chance to speak first.

Erin lifts her head off the assassins lap and, instead of saying something, pulls her into a hug.

Without hesitation Sara hugs her back.

"I'm so so sorry." Erin speaks.

Sara rubs her back soothingly, replying "It's okay, really it's okay. I'm okay."

Erin pulls back and looks into Sara's eyes to make sure she's telling the truth.

When she believes her, another thought crosses her mind and she frantically searches the floor, wondering if what happened was real or not.

"Hey. Hey, look at me." Sara places her hands on Erin's cheeks making the brunette meet her eyes.

"It's not there anymore, I had Ray put it away. Why would you do something like that?" Erin can see the concern that floods through Sara's face as she talks.

But something else crosses her mind.

"R-Ray was in here?" She stammers.

"He doesn't know anything, just thought you were sick and the knife was from our mission."

Erin nods slightly, zoning out and remember exactly what happened just a few hours prior.

"Why?" Sara cautiously repeats.

Sara moves her hands to intertwine them in Erin's.

"I-I Uh," Erin doesn't meet Sara's gaze as she tries to explain.

"I thought, you know, maybe, uh without me," Erin gulps, she closes her eyes being too afraid to meet Sara's.

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