The Journey Isn't Worth It This Time

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"Ugh, God. What a damn headache."

Erin holds onto the side of her head.

She squints to her right and notices Sara sitting cross-legged holding her hand in her hands.

"God what did we do last night?" The blonde asks.

Someone suddenly comes stumbling out of the bathroom saying "Nothing stupid I hope."

The girls turn to face Kendra and they all end up laughing.

"Uh, we drank?" Is all Erin can offer up.

The girls laugh again before Sara looks up to the ceiling, closing her eyes as the light makes contact with her vision. "Gideon, do we wanna know?"

The girls wait a minute before the AI responds.

"It appears Mr. Snart had succumbed to your drunken shenanigans last night."

"Oh dear God!"

The girl's all burst out laughing and in-between her fits of laughter Kendra asks "What did we do to him?"

The AI is about to answer but instead their Captains voice comes over the room. "Everybody to the Bridge please." He says.

All three girls groan as their headache's make themselves known again.

Slowly they all stand and trudge over to the Bridge where most of the team already awaits. When the three walk in they find Rip standing at the console, Mick drinking in a chair, Stein is sitting next to Jax who's working beside Rip. Ray is also helping Rip and Jax leaving the only one being Snart who isn't there.

The three girls silently wonder what they could have done to the criminal.

Rip is giving orders while the three walk in and Gideon shuts down the orders, "Inadvisable Captain, when Doctor Palmer siphoned energy from the auxiliary Time Drive, he reduced the ship-"

Rip cuts off the AI with a booming voice, "Gideon! Take us to maximum."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Erin ask's as she walks alongside the two girls and joins Rip at the centre.

"We need to get to the Vanishing Point as fast as possible." Rip argues.

Erin looks to Sara as if to plea for help with this but the blonde only shrugs her shoulders.

Kendra leaves the girlfriends and whispers something into Ray's ear, before the two walk off.

Erin is about to make a comment about it when Sara walks closer and nudges her side, telling her to be quiet. So instead, she turns her attention to the other doors that are opening to reveal Snart.

Usually Erin is good at hiding feelings and reactions, she was trained to do so for a part of her life. But this was too funny for her to withhold her emotions.

Erin throws her hand over her mouth in a silly attempt to block out the sound of her laughter, she shoves her face into Sara's neck to stop herself as well but she can feel Sara begin to laugh too.

When Erin turns back to face an unamused looking Snart she bursts out laughing even more.

"Oh my god!" She laughs, "Is tha... that what we, did to you!?" She wheezes in between laughs, trying to take in as much air into her lungs as she can.

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