New House

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*Y/n's POV*

"Hey, how was recording today?" I asked my husband Shawn as he climbed into the passenger seat of my car that was parked in front of his studio.

"It was great," he said, putting on his seatbelt and kissing me on the cheek, "We've got the first songs on my next album all recorded."

"Wow, that was really fast," I exclaimed and pulled out of the parking spot, "I can't wait to hear it." I started driving, still talking to him.

"I get to see the new house you were looking at today, right?" Shawn made sure of and I nodded. "Yes!" he fist pumped like a little kid, "We are finally getting closer to moving out of that tiny apartment."

Continuing to drive, I smiled, "Yeah. It's two-story too."

"I'm really excited to finally see it," Shawn said as he gently grabbed my hand that I wasn't driving with and rested his head back against the headrest.

When we were coming close to the house, I told Shawn to close his eyes until I could get him right in front of it.

"Why do I have to close my eyes?" he protested, "It's not even for sure that we will get this house."

"It has to be a surprise!" I happily said, turning one of the last corners, "And I'm going to make sure that we get this house because it is perfect."

"Okay, eyes closed. Tell me when we're there," he agreed.

Seconds later, I parked the car, got out, and ran around to the other side, opening the door for Shawn. I helped him out of the car, carefully making sure that he didn't hit his head or trip since he had his eyes still closed.

"Don't look until I tell you to," I told, leading him forward by his hands on the cement pathway.

"Alright, go ahead and open your eyes!" I announced.

Shawn quickly did and I stepped to his side as he gawked at the outside walls and front yard of the house.

"It looks amazing!" he marveled at it, taking my hand again.

"Isn't it?" I squealed and pulled him forward, "Come on you need to see the inside!"

After opening the front door, our real estate agent shook both our hands, greeting us brightly. "Go ahead and look around the whole place before you make any decisions," she said, "I'll be down here arranging your paperwork for when you're ready."

"Thank you," Shawn spoke, following me through the house.

I showed him everywhere, starting with the kitchen where Shawn seemed happy at the thought of having a much bigger oven. From there, we looked at the rest of the rooms including our huge master bedroom and the two smaller bedrooms. Once we had seen everywhere, we sat together at the bottom of the carpeted stairs talking.

"Do you like it?" I asked him, looking up at his face. I really hoped he did since we had been searching for a house that fit our needs for at least a month.

"I love it," he smiled, "It's everything I could have wanted."

"Me too!" I responded, completely relieved that he liked it.

"This isn't a bad thing at all," Shawn added, "but I thought we were looking for a house with two bedrooms. One for us and one as an office. What are we gonna use the third bedroom for?"

"Well," I started, looking down at my shoes, "I haven't told you this yet, but something is happening where we might just need a third bedroom." I looked up at his face.

He looked pretty puzzled, "What? Is someone moving in with us?"

At that moment, I knew it was the right time the tell him what I had been keeping a secret. "Not exactly," I hinted, getting the ultrasound pictures out of my purse, "You'll understand what I mean if you just look at these." I placed the photos in his hands.

He glanced at them quickly as I saw his eyes go wide, then looked up at me, shocked. "You're pregnant?" he shouted excitedly.

"Yes!" I nodded and stood up with Shawn as he pulled me into his arms.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" he pulled away, some tears in his eyes as he smiled uncontrollably, "I need to tell everyone! I'm actually going to be a dad!"

"Yes, you are, Shawn," I giggled as he pulled me into another hug.

"I love you so much," Shawn said after we made sure that the house was ours, "And I love our baby already. You're going to be an incredible mom. I just know it."

"And you're going to be the best dad," I replied and kissed him passionately before climbing back into the car.

I hope that ending wasn't too cheesy. And I'm sorry if the formatting is weird, I have to type on my phone instead of my computer.
Anyways, thank you for reading and go ahead and vote or leave comments!!

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