Never Have I Ever

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*Y/n's POV*

It was a Tuesday, except not just any Tuesday. I had been waiting all week for this particular day because I knew that my boyfriend Shawn was scheduled to be on the Ellen show. And for the second time ever, I would be joining him on the show and being part of the interview. Or anything else Ellen did.

Don't get me wrong, I was incredibly excited about it, but based on what happened the last time, I was a little nervous.

"Are you ready?" I asked Shawn. We were backstage in a dressing room waiting for it to be time for us to go on. The air conditioning in the room was making it a little cold, so I had my arms wrapped around myself as I leaned against a wall by the door.

"Yep," he pressed his lips together, "At least, I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Shawn walked over to a couch that was in the room and sat down. He leaned forward with his elbows rested on his knees. With how low the couch was, it made him look even taller than he actually was. Shawn glanced up at me, "You don't think she's going to scare us again, do you?"

"Probably not," I told him, "Hopefully she doesn't so you don't freak out again."

"Hey, she scared me really bad," Shawn said defensively, "I know somehow you didn't get scared, but she got me good." He shook his head, but was grinning a little, "How were you not terrified anyway?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. What he didn't know was that Ellen had talked to me before the last time we were on. She had told me that she was planning on scaring Shawn, so I had completely seen it coming when it happened. However, this time she hadn't said anything to me, so I really had no idea what to expect. I stood up and walked over to Shawn. "I'm sure she won't scare you twice in a row, babe," I assured, rubbing his shoulder and kissing his head.

"She should scare you this time," he joked.

"You'd probably jump anyway." I smiled and he stood up, placing his hand on my cheek.

"We'll see," he smirked and kissed me quickly.

Around ten minutes later, we were called out for our section of the show. When we were told to, Shawn and I walked out hand in hand to while Shawn's song In My Blood played. Once we got over to the seats, Ellen greeted both of us with a hug and then we all sat down.

"I'm so happy that you guys are back on the show," Ellen spoke, "It feels like a lot longer since you've been on than it's actually been."

"Yeah. It's only been like eight or nine months, right?" Shawn added.

Ellen nodded, "I think some people have probably forgotten about what happened last time, so - just for you Shawn - here's a video of exactly what happened last time you were here."

"Oh no," Shawn chuckled and covered his face with his hands, falling back against the cushions. I smiled as the video of Shawn being scared played on the screen behind us. He jumped so bad and he was practically clinging to my shoulder. I felt bad for laughing, but I couldn't help it.

Ellen must have been feeling the same. "Oh, that never gets old," she said breathlessly, wiping her eyes a little.

"I know," Shawn shook his head, "Its just another meme of me that my fans can use."

"I've seen a lot of them," Ellen said.

"There are some hilarious ones," I added. From there, the conversation moved on to talk about Shawn's new album and his upcoming tour until Ellen told us that we were going to play a game. So that's what she's doing this time, I thought, even though I still had no idea what game we were playing.

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