Award Show

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I got this idea such a long time ago

*Y/n's POV*

There were so many people around me backstage at the award show. So many famous people and others trying to interview them. It felt so crazy that I was actually one of them.

"Hey Y/n," an interviewer waves, walking over with a person holding a camera, "If you have a moment, can you tell us what you think the chances are of your single winning song of the year?" She holds a microphone up to my face.

I was getting a little overwhelmed by it all as my eyes flickered around the room. "Um," I started, "I think it would be amazing if I did win, but there are a lot of other great songs and artists up for that award."

The interviewer nodded, "And how are you feeling with this being your first time nominated?"

Right as she asked me that question, my eyes landed on someone I was probably looking for without knowing it. Shawn Mendes: my celebrity crush, idol, and inspiration since I was maybe fifteen. He was just finishing up a conversation with someone and looked like he was going to walk away any second.

"Um just a minute," I told the interviewer and started walking to where Shawn was. I hoped I wasn't being rude, but I absolutely had to meet him.

When I reached where he was, I stood as patiently as I could next to him until he finished talking and the interviewers started to leave. "H-Hey Shawn," I stuttered nervously.

He turned to face me and his face surprisingly lit up when he realized who I was. "Y/n! Hi!" he smiled, bringing me into a short, gentle hug.

"You recognize me?" I asked, shocked.

"Of course!" he grinned, "I love your song. It's really good."

My jaw dropped a little and I was absolutely screaming inside. Don't freak out too much, I told myself. "Thank you! I can't believe you know who I am," I gushed, "You've honestly been such a huge inspiration for me. I might not even be here right now if it wasn't for you."

"That means the world to me," Shawn smiled, "You're so talented. I've been meaning to meet you for a while."

"I've been meaning to meet you too," I said.

"This might seem kind of weird, but can I get a picture with you?" he asked.

"Only if I can get a picture with you," I joked.

"Thanks," Shawn beamed, getting out his phone, "I'm actually a really big fan of yours."

I got out my phone as well and we both turned them on at almost the same time. However, I was pretty shocked when I looked at his lock screen. And I blushed a bit when he looked at mine.

His lock screen was the artwork for the cover of my single. (pretend this isn't Shawn's)

And mine was a picture of him performing on stage

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And mine was a picture of him performing on stage.
(this was my lock screen no that long ago lol)

We both were shocked and I saw Shawn's cheeks turning pink

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We both were shocked and I saw Shawn's cheeks turning pink.

I almost laughed a little, "Out of all the people who could be a fan of me, I never thought you would be."

Shawn smiled, "I was thinking the same thing."

I quickly unlocked my phone and opened my camera. "Here," I said and leaned in closer to him. He was, as I expected, a lot taller than me. But, I still successfully got a good picture with him before posing again so he could take one too.

When we stepped apart, I knew it was getting close to time for the award show to start, but I didn't want our conversation to end.

"Could we maybe meet up again sometime?" Shawn asked nervously.

I grinned, full of happiness, "Of course." We exchanged phones and put in each of our numbers. "Talk to you soon, I guess," I ended.

"Yeah, I hope so," Shawn waved he started to walk away, "I'll see you later."

"Bye!" I echoed.

When he was out of my sight, I started to jump up and down in excitement. I tried not to do it for too long since there was still a lot of people around me. But, I couldn't hold it in completely. I had been dreaming of that moment for years.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I looked down at it to see that it was a text. It was from Shawn and said: Good luck at winning song of the year. I'll be rooting for you:). I smiled at it.

Later, it was time to reveal the winner of song of the year and I was sitting anxiously in my seat. And somehow, they actually called out my name. I gasped and quickly made my way up to the stage as the crowd clapped and cheered. I stood in front of the microphone, holding my award, and I was filled with joy. But, I was still nervous.

That is, until I looked in the audience and saw Shawn clapping happily. He had even stood up to cheer for me. Seeing that, my nerves went away and I took a deep breath before starting my thank you speech.


Hey guys! I hope this was good. I'm almost running out of ideas so I will probably open requests soon. But not yet. I think I still have a few ideas. Thank you so much for more than 90k!! And make sure to keep buying and streaming Shawn's new singles! Bye!

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