Moody: For Carolina

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This was requested by Swiftie_carpenter. I hope you like it😊

*Carolina's POV*

When I woke up, I didn't feel good at all. And it really sucked to find out that I was on my period. I was looking forward to doing something fun that day, but I couldn't because of the cramps and bad mood I was in.

I felt sick so I took some medicine for the pain and laid down in bed just as my phone rang. I saw it was my boyfriend Shawn before quickly answering it.

"Hey Carolina," Shawn bubbled happily.

"Hey," I responded.

"I just finished everything I have to do today and I was wondering if I could come over," Shawn told. I looked over at the clock. It was somehow already noon. I must have woken up later than I thought.

"Now's not really the best time," I spoke as a bad cramp started, "Just not right now."

"Oh," Shawn said. It took a couple of seconds for him to say anything else which might have been because of how moody I was. What I said probably sounded kind of mean.

I sighed, "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"No, it's fine," he assured, "How are you feeling Carolina? Are you feeling okay?"

"No," I shook my head even though he couldn't see me, "Not at all. My stomach feels terrible." I didn't tell him why I wasn't feeling good. I was sure he would figure it out.

"Then why can't I come over?" Shawn whined, "I want to help take care of you."

"Shawn, I just want to lay down and sleep. We can get together another time," I told him.

"Okay," he ended, "Love ya."

"Love you too," I finished before hanging up. I put my phone down before rolling over and letting out a groan into my pillow.

Around twenty minutes later, the sound of the doorbell ringing woke me up. Who could that possibly be? I thought as I dragged myself out of bed and out to the front door. I looked through the peephole to see Shawn standing outside with a small smile on his face and a bad in his hand. I quickly pulled the door open. "I thought I told you not to come over," I shot, "You made me get out of bed just for this."

Shawn didn't seem hurt by any of my comments. He seemed to almost smile more. "I wanted to see you," he grinned as I let him in, "It's obvious you're on your period and that's why you're not feeling well. I'm here to comfort you."

I would have smiled at his cute gesture if it weren't for the painful cramps I was continuously having. "Can I go lie back down now?" I asked.

"Hold on," Shawn said, reaching into the plastic bag he had brought, "Look what I brought you. I got chocolate and your favorite candy for you. And also more medicine and supplies if you need them."

I realized how sweet it was for him to buy me stuff. "Okay, you can stay," I agreed and started to walk back to my room.

"You know I probably would have stayed no matter what," Shawn added, following me.

"Is it just me or are you more annoying than usual?"

"I'm always this annoying, why do you ask?" he joked.

I laughed lightly and climbed onto my bed with Shawn doing the same. I took a piece of chocolate from Shawn's bag and began eating it. It was good and the medicine I had taken was finally starting to work. I felt a little better and I found myself starting to lean on Shawn more and more. I was still a little bit grumpy, but I was trying to hide from Shawn the fact that I was actually enjoying it. I didn't want him to know that he was right and his company was making me feel better.

But, eventually, I gave in and cuddled up against him. He moved his arms and tried to hug me tighter, but it hurt my stomach. "Ow!" I exclaimed.

Shawn immediately loosened his grip on me. "Sorry," he apologized.

I moved slightly, getting more comfortable with my head on his shoulder and he settled for just gently resting his hand on my lower back. It felt good like that and the pain continued to subside. I closed my eyes, just laying there in peace.

"So," Shawn breathed, "Are you glad that I actually decided to come over?"

"No, it just feels nice to lay on you," I lied.

"What about if I told you that I ordered your favorite food and it should be here in a few minutes?" he hinted.

I quickly sat up. "You got me food?" I questioned


"Okay fine," I gave in, smiling, "Thank you for coming over and getting things for me. You're really sweet and a nice pillow to lay on."

"There's my girl," Shawn laughed and kissed the top of my head.


I actually really like this one a lot. I feel like Shawn wouldn't be awkward or uncomfortable with any this but idk
Hope you enjoyed!

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