Not Good Enough

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*Y/n's POV*

Shawn was in the kitchen and I was in our bedroom, relaxing on the bed. I was just scrolling through my social media when I noticed that a lot of Shawn's fans were asking when his album would be coming out.

Normally, that wouldn't seem strange, but Shawn had said that he already told his fans the release date. It didn't make sense why they still didn't know.

I decided to go and ask him about it. When I did find him in the kitchen, I walked up behind him.

"Hi babe," I greeted, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey," he said, continuing to put together the sandwich he was making for lunch.

Keeping it subtle without accusing him of anything, I asked, "You told your fans when the album is coming out right?"

"Um, yeah I did," he nodded, "I told them last week." I noticed he seemed a little nervous, which meant he was trying to hide something.

"I wonder why they're still asking for the release date then," I added.

Shawn's eyes closed as he exhaled and he turned to face me. He leaned his back against the counter, his face turned towards the floor.

"You didn't tell them when it is coming out did you?" I guessed. Shawn shook his head. "Why not?" I questioned, "Is there something wrong?"

Shawn sighed and looked up at me, "It's not good enough. I always think it's not good enough. No matter how hard I work on the album to make it perfect, it always sucks. And I've changed the release date four times because I think it's ready, but then I realize that it's terrible!" His cheeks were growing a little red from either embarrassment or frustration.

I was pretty shocked. Shawn had never shared any of that with me before then. He looked so unhappy and it was making me sad that I wasn't there for him before. "Shawn, don't be so hard on yourself. Nothing you make sucks," I comforted, "I just wish you would have told me sooner. I could have helped at least a little."

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to hear it and tell me it was bad," he cried.

"Baby, you know I would never say that," I told.

Shawn sighed, "Yeah, I know. You're right." He still didn't look happy. I hated seeing him so disappointed in himself. Especially when there was no reason to be.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, my head on his shoulder. He let me hold him, his hands finding their way to my back.

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the album, love. You're just having some self-confidence issues. It's totally normal," I spoke, "You just have to push through it and remember that you're amazingly talented. You're fans and I will love you no matter what your album is like."

I felt Shawn nod as he squeezed me tight against his chest. "Thank you, Y/n," he mumbled.

A couple of seconds later, he pulled away. "Hey, do you think you could listen to a few songs and reassure me that this is just all in my head?" Shawn asked sweetly.

"Of course!" I gushed, "I've been waiting to hear a bew song for such a long time!"

Shawn smiled brightly, "I love you."

I was already halfway across the room, bursting with excitement. "I love you too. But seriously, babe, hurry up!" I urged happily, " I need to hear it!"   


I hope this was good! Tbh I kinda rushed to get it done bc I didn't want Shawn dayung anything about sm3 before I wrote it.
But no, he still hasn't told us anything... (WHY??😩😑)
Anyways, thanks for reading!!💖💕

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