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*Y/n's POV*

"Noah, Ava, it's time for bed!" I called.

There was the sound of little feet pattering in the hallway. The two four year olds showed up in the doorway to their shared bedroom.

Actually my four year olds. Mine and my husband Shawn's. He was in our bedroom most likely sleeping from all the jet lag.

"Okay, guys, you need to get your pajamas on," I told.

"But I'm not tired," Ava whined,sitting on her bed on one side of the room. Noah's was on the other side.

"Neither am I," Noah voiced.

"No, you need to get to bed," I refused, "It's too late for you to be up."

The two finally gave in and changed their clothes before brushing their teeth. Then they both got in bed and under their covers. Ava's were purple and pink and Noah's were blue which they had picked out themselves.

"You should sleep really well tonight," I hummed, tucking then in.

"Wait," Noah said as I was walking towards the door, "Can Daddy say goodnight to us?

"Yes! Can be please?" Ava pouted, making sure to jut her bottom lip out. It cutely reminded me of Shawn.

"I don't think so," I shook my head, "Daddy just got back from London. He's probably really tired."

"Please?" they both chorused.

"Okay," I signed, "I'll go ask him." I turned around, leaving the room and went to my bedroom.

Shawn was lying in bed scrolling through something on his phone, but he stopped when I came in. "Hey, babe," he greeted, "Are the kids asleep already?"

"Unfortunately no," I sat down next to him, "They insisted that you cone and say goodnight to them, but I know you're probably too tired."

"No, I can do it," Shawn sat up.

"Are you sure?" I asked, "You're not too jet lagged?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm never too tired to say goodnight to my kids," he said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Shawn nodded and left the room. I decided to follow him just to watch. I waited right outside Noah and Ava's room.

"Daddy!" Ava excitedly exclaimed.

"Hi pumpkin," Shawn smiled, kissing her forehead.

"I missed you Daddy," Noah told.

"I missed you too, bud," Shawn was sitting on the edge of Ava's bed, facing Noah, "I heard you wanted me to say goodnight to you."

Ava nodded, "Can you sing to us?"

"Of course," Shawn grinned, "What do you want me to sing?"

"Never Be Alone!" Noah suggested happily.

"Okay, Never Be Alone it is," Shawn started to quietly hum the first part of the song. Then he sang, "'Take a piece of my heart, and make it all your own. So when we are apart, you'll never be alone. You'll never be alone... You'll never be alone. When you miss me close your eyes, I may be far but never gone. When you fall asleep tonight, just remember that we lay under the same stars...'"

Shawn continued singing softly to them and I could see Noah smiling and mouthing the words since he had heard it so many times.

When Shawn finished, he hugged and gave a kiss on the cheek to each of them. "Goodnight, my twins," he whispered and turned off the light.

Shawn closed the door almost all the way, leaving it a little open, and walked up to me. He wrapped his arms around me, resting on my shoulders. "How's my girl?" he asked.

"Great," I smiled.

Shawn pulled away slightly and planted a short, but loving kiss on my lips. "We should get some sleep," Shawn grinned, "They'll be up early tomorrow."

I nodded and held Shawn's hand as we walked back to our room.


I hope this was as cute as I think it is. Again Shawn with kids is the cutest.
THANK YOU FOR 70K READS! Honestly, I'm kinda freaking out. You're all amazing and I honestly can't believe how far I've come with this's crazy, thank you!!

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