First Words

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Anybody have some fun winter/holiday plans? Comment them if you want. I'd love to talk :)

*Shawn’s POV*

The second after I was told that I had some free time before my next show, Y/n called from home to facetime me. Somehow the timing ended up that perfect.

I already started to feel relaxed and relieved as I quickly stepped into my hotel room. I could finally talk to Y/n, my beautiful wife, and our almost one-year-old son Elliott. I had seen their faces not too long before, but it had been a few weeks since I had been with them in person.

Without even having to consider it, I answered the call and sat down on the edge of the bed. My phone rested in my hands and I leaned my elbows forward on my knees. I grinned as it connected and Y/n’s face appeared on the screen. “Hey hun,” I greeted, “I miss you.”

Y/n smiled and lifted Elliott up a little more so I could see his face. He was sucking on his fingers but not looking at the camera. “I miss you too, Shawn,” Y/n said, “How are you doing? Did your show go well last night?”

“Yeah,” I responded, “It was good. The crowd got really into it which made it even better.”

“That’s great, babe,” she replied, “I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Did you see any pictures from the show?” I asked.

“Yeah, I saw a few. You looked so happy,” she beamed, “I tried to show them to Elliott, but I don’t think he really understood what you were doing.”

I chuckled, “Probably not. How is he doing?”

“Pretty good,” she said, sitting him on her lap and moving her phone so I could see him better.

“Hey Elliott,” I cooed, “Daddy misses you.” He stared at the screen, eyes big, and I watched him recognize me. He smiled and clapped his hands, muttering baby gibberish. Why did it seem like he always got cuter every time I saw him?

“He’s been a little fussy lately,” Y/n told, “but you’re never going to guess what he did today.”

“What happened?” I questioned.

“He said his first word! He called me ‘Mama!’” she said with excitement.

“No way!” I expressed, “That’s amazing! I can’t believe he said his first word!”

“Here, I think I can get him to say it for you,” Y/n added and looked down at our baby, “Elliott, can you say ‘Mama’ again? Who’s Mama?”

“Mama!” Elliott immediately spoke in his quiet baby voice and reached his hands towards Y/n's face. My heart melted.

Y/n looked at me, her eyes filled with excitement and awe. She looked so incredibly happy and I was ecstatic about it too. However, I couldn’t ignore the slightly disappointed feeling in the back of my mind that I had missed it. I had missed my son’s very first word. I couldn’t help but wonder what else I might have been missing. There was probably so much.

“I love you guys,” I sighed, “So much. I promise I’ll be home soon.”

“I love you too,” Y/n answered, “We’ll be here waiting for you.” Then her eyes went wide. “Uh oh,” she said, “I think this one needs a diaper change.”

“Oh no,” I chuckled, “Good luck with that. I should let you take care of it.”

“Wave bye to Daddy, Elliott,” Y/n gushed and gently picked up his tiny hands to do so.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now