Why I've been inactive (a/n)

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Hey everyone. This isn't an update, but I thought that I should post something about why I haven't updated since what feels like forever. I wasn't even going to post this at first, but I want to be honest with you guys. And I think I should explain that I am still alive and I'm coming back soon.

So anyway. There are a few reasons why I've been so inactive lately. Part of it is because I've been spending most of my time working on chapters for another book that haven't even been put out yet. Thankfully, though, those are finished now. I'm really glad :)

Then, the second reason I've been gone is honestly because of how crazy and busy my life has been lately. And I mean a lot more than usual.

I live in California in a city called Thousand Oaks. Just by saying that I'm sure a lot of you might understand what I'm talking about. There have been some crazy hard times here, and there are people who have lost a lot more than I have. Between the main disaster that happened here and then right after that the fires that are still burning in California, I am for sure not the only person whose life has been basically taken over by all of it.

Fortunately for me, I'm beginning to get mostly over all of this. I have a place to live and I haven't lost anyone close to me, so I am way luckier than a lot of people. The only thing that is still affecting me right now is not being able to go back to school for a little less than two weeks from now.

I guess if there is something good that came out of this, it is that I do have plenty of time to write and update now.

(Also btw if you live in California and you've been affected by any of this, I am absolutely praying for you❤)

Well, that's my explanation. I think that kind of turned into a rant, so sorry if that just seemed like a sob story or something. I'm probably going to delete this eventually.

I wanted to end this by saying that I am back! I'm writing at the moment so it will be some time before I get any updates out, but they are coming soon. I promise! I'm planning a couple holiday imagines, which will be fun.

Thank you guys for reading and commenting and voting. Also, thank you for staying so patient. I'm very excited to get back into normal updates.

I love all of you with my whole heart. Thank you again,

PS: I did change my username, so please don't be confused lol

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