Sick Performance: For Aish

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This was requested by shawnieboyimagine I hope you like it!!💕

*Shawn's POV*

I was scheduled to perform on the Tonight Show that night, but I felt really sick. I had a cold from a few days before and it just kept getting worse and worse.

When I woke up the day of the performance lying next to Aish in the hotel bed, I felt way worse. There was a stabbing pain in my throat everytime I swallowed.

"Aish," I croaked.

She turned over to face me. "Shawn you don't look so good," she put a hand on the side of my face, "Are you feeling okay?"

I knew that if I told her she would convince me to cancel the performance which I didn't want to do. But I never lied to her...

"I'm feeling fine," I lied. The show had to go on.

"Okay. If you say so," Aish smiled, "Let's get ready for today."

I nodded and hopped out of bed with only a little dizziness. I got dressed and later we drove to the studio where the Tonight Show was filmed.

I got my guitar and was hooked up to everything I needed to be. My throat was still hurting badly so I drank as much water as I could.

"You're going to do amazing, Shawn," Aish kissed my cheek, "I'll be in the audience."

I smiled, "Thank you."

"Please welcome to the stage, Shawn Mendes!" Jimmy said and the stage lights came on.

The beginning of There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back started to play and I began to sing.

It hurt to badly to sing and I couldn't even hit any if the high notes. I just left it to the back track.

I was failing it.

When it came to the end of the song and the band started to play the extra part we sometimes add on, I shook my head no, telling them I couldn't do it. The music stopped and my head was hanging down, disappointed in myself.

It took a second, but the crowd cheered anyways.

I quickly got off stage, trying to hold back my tears.

*Aish's POV*

I stood from my seat in the audience and started to make my way backstage as fast as I could.

Shawn hadn't had the best performance and I knew it must have been because he was sick. He looked so disappointed at the end and I knew he would be mad at himself.

"Shawn," I called when I found him backstage. His head was in his hands. "Baby, what is it?' I sat down next to him and put my arm around him.

Shawn took his hands away from his face and I realized he was crying really hard. "I'm a failure," he cried, "The performance sucked."

"You're not a failure, Shawn," I comforted, "You did your best. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I knew the answer, but I asked anyways.

"No, I feel terrible. I've been sick all day and I didn't tell you because I didn't want to cancel the show," Shawn buried his head in the crook of my neck, "I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm just really tired and my throat is so sore."

"Hey, it's okay," I cooed, "Just next time tell me. There's nothing wrong with rescheduling your performance."

He nodded slightly as I rubbed his back.

"We should get you home so you can sleep," I suggested.

Shawn agreed and I helped him to my car and started to drive him back to the hotel. I led inside and helped him get changed into sweatpants and I t-shirt.

"Thanks," he smiled weakly.

I got him some water and lied down next to him. I was spooning him from behind, but he kept moving slightly.

"I can't sleep, Aish," he said, "Everything just hurts."

It was pretty late at night and I was a bit tired, but I wanted him to feel better. "Here, turn around, love," I told, "I'll stay up with you for as long as you need."

He did as I told as I told him and mouthed a "thank you" and an "I love you". His voice must have been painfully going away.

I intertwined our fingers and waited for him to fall asleep, occasionally taking my hand through his hair gently.


I hope this was good! 💖💕❤

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