Surprise: For Kriti

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This was requested by @Shawnyboi_is_cute I hope you like it!

*Kriti's POV*

"I wish I was home with you, baby. I miss you," Shawn said through the phone.

"I know, I miss you too," I replied, "You'll see me soon though, right?"

"Yeah, not really. There's a long time left," he signed sadly, "Thanks for trying to cheer me up though."

"Anytime," I smiled, "Don't get too down, Shawn. I love you."

"I love you too, Kriti. Bye," Shawn ended and I put down my phone.

He thought I was back at our apartment in Toronto, but I wasn't. I was really in Los Angeles where he was, on my way to surprise him. I had talked to Andrew and found out where he was staying and what time hr would definitely be there.

Shawn seemed to be really missing me lately, more than he usually did when he was gone. And I had a break from school, so I knew it was the perfect time to come and see him.

I had called Shawn at the airport and then I was in a taxi driving  from there to the hotel Shawn was staying at. It was a thirty minute drive.

"This should be the place," the taxi driver said.

I looked up at the tell building with the hotel's name on it. Shawn was actually up there somewhere. It seemed kind of crazy after so long away from him.

"Yeah, that's it," I thanked the driver and paid him before getting out of the car.

I took the elevator to the fifth floor where his room was and followed the signs to the right room.

I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear, anticipating what surprising him would be like.

There was a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door handle, but I ignored it and knocked anyways. It took a couple if seconds for there to be any response.

The sound of the door unlocking was followed my Shawn's voice, "I thought I said not to - " He stopped when he saw me through the small crack of open doorway.

And then the door flung open as he quickly stepped outside, throwing his arms tightly around me. "Oh my god. I can't believe you're here, Kriti," he cried, swaying side to side slightly with me in his arms. I felt some of his tears on my neck.

"I came here to surprise you," I smiled, my hands on his strong back.

Shawn let go of me, but still held my hands, "Well you definitely did. I wasn't expecting it at all. I missed you so much!" He pulled me into another hug before he went inside his hotel room.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and Shawn kept staring at me, smiling like crazy. "What are you looking at?" I laughed.

"I just really can't believe you're right here in front of me," he explained, "It's great seeing your beautiful face in person again." I blushed and Shawn wrapped his arm around me as we sat together.

"You have a show tonight, right?" I questioned.

"Yeah," he replied, "Why?"

"Oh, I just might have gotten tickets to come and watch you," I hinted.

"Really?" Shawn grinned.


"Aww, I love you," he hugged me again, "I'm going to make it such a good show, babygirl."

Eventually, we went to the arena and Shawn left to go backstage while I found my seat. I was only a couple of rows back from the stage and j had told Shawn exactly where I would be sitting.

When he came out on stage, he looked so happy, walking up the steps and playing his guitar.

When he found me in the crowd, his smile grew. I had never seen him so happy.

"Please give it up for my amazing girlfriend, Kriti, in the crowd," Shawn announced in between two songs, "She came out here from Toronto, so make her feel at home."

Even though I was a little embarrassed, the crowd cheering felt good as I smiled up at Shawn.

I enjoyed every minute after that of watching Shawn on stage.


I hope you liked this and sorry if it was a little short.
I'm gonna try to update twice tomorrow too! Yay!
Also I'm 90% sure this is my 70th imagine and that's so crazy..

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