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*Y/n's POV*

The bright sun warmed my body and the sand around me as I relaxed on my towel, my eyes closed. I could hear the waves crashing farther down from me and a few voices who were clearly enjoying their day.

Hearing shuffling to the right of me, I could sense that someone was there. I lifted my sunglasses from my face and saw a handsome, and may I add shirtless, guy staring at me.

I had to admit, he was very attractive, but I wasn't trying to hook up with anyone. "Can I help you?" I asked sitting up.

He shook his head, "No I was just wondering what a beautiful girl like you is doing here all by yourself."

"I'm just hanging out at the beach like everyone else," I deadpanned, ignoring his flirting attempt.

"Yeah, it is really nice out," he held out his hand, "My name's Shawn by the way."

I shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you Shawn, but I'm sure you probably have to get going."

"Wow you sure are playing hard to get," he put a hand on his hip and glanced down to the ocean then back at me, "How 'bout you tell me your name?"

"It's Y/n."

"Okay, Y/n, look. You like Lego's, I like Lego's, how about we build a relationship?" he smirked.

"Oh no, you found my weakness," I started to crack up.

"Bad pick up lines?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," I smiled at him.

"Well then," he pressed his hands together, "Do you want to come hang out with me or should I keep going?"

"I don't know," I played, giggling, "Relaxing by myself here is pretty fun."

Shawn laughed lightly. "Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk past again?" he tried again.

I cringed and then smiled, "That was awful."

Shawn obviously still had more up his sleeve, "Hey do you have a Band-Aid? Because I scraped my knee falling for you."

"Okay, okay, you got me. I'll come hang out," I laughed, "That was the worst one yet." He pulled me onto my feet and we made our way down to the water.

A few minutes later, Shawn and I stood by the ocean kicking a soccer ball back and forth with the water lapping at our feet at times.

When the ball came to me next, it bounced off my foot wrong and went flying out into the ocean, floating several feet out. "Shoot, sorry. I'll go get it," I told and ran into the cold water that continued to come in and out.

I was almost at the ball when a big wave came pushing past me. Stumbling a little, I was pulled off my feet feeling something like a current pulling me down and away from shore.


I tried to keep my head above water but it was strong and waves continued to over me. I started to swim even with the shore like you were supposed to do, but there was no way I was getting out of this on my own.

"Shawn, someone, help!" I screamed, my head getting pulled under water. My air was soon running out and my lings burned as u panicked, flailing my arms.

Just in time, I felt a splash of water moving near me followed by strong arms pulling me out of the water and away from the riptide.

Realizing that it was in fact Shawn, u clung to his chest until we were enough out of the water.

I coughed a few times then looked up to see Shawn's worried, wet face. "Are you okay? Can you breathe now?" he questioned.

"Yeah, I am now, thanks to you. Thank you so much for saving me. That was incredible," I hugged him. We walked up to the higher part of the beach standing closer together this time, our shoulders almost touching.

*      *      *     *

Later that day, the sun was setting over the ocean, making the sky an array of beautiful pinks and purples.

I sat next to Shawn on the bare sand. "I can't thank you enough for saving me today. And for making my day great," I took his hand and he squeezed mine, looking into my eyes.

"How could I not save such a gorgeous, angelic girl like you? Especially since I was right there hanging out with you. You still look beautiful you know. Even after almost drowning and getting all wet," he smiled at me, "This is really cliche, but since I saved you it's probably okay to ask you out. So if you want to--"

I cut him off, "Oh, just shut up and kiss me already."

Shawn looked surprised, but then smiled, leaning in. Our lips connected, moving in sync and he placed his hand on my cheek, gently stroking. We pulled apart, but stayed close.

"I knew I found the right girl when I first saw you today," Shawn wrapped his arm around my me, "But I never would have known how right I was."

"And i never would have known that talking  to a cute, flirty guy on the beach would actually turn out to be this special," I grinned, leaning into his warm shoulder as the dark sky turned bright with millions of stars.


A/n: I hope you liked this one! I think it started out good, but I suck at not making totally cheesy endings. I am really happy because we have at least 500 reads which is amazing and so much more than I thought I would get so thank you! Also, thank you to anyone who has been voting, it means the world to me!

---Kaelan <3    

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