Guitar Lesson

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Thank you to ChloeHarris718 for this idea/request. I hope you like it!

*Y/n's POV*

I walked to my music lesson after school and started to unpack my guitar. I had been having trouble learning how to play it while a lot of the other people in the class weren't which was a bit frustrating.

Our teacher walked in the room after most of us had tuned our guitars. We were all sitting in a kind of circle and he took an open seat.

"How are you all today? Everyone doing good?" our teacher asked.

There was a series if nods and answers around the room.

He went on, "I have a surprise for you all. It's a special guest." This caught my attention since we usually just had one, normal teacher. "You can come in now, Shawn," he called towards the door.

No. Way. I thought as the door opened and in the other side was the Shawn Mendes. My jaw dropped. He was basically the reason I wanted to start playing the guitar.

"Hi guys," Shawn smiled with a small wave.

Everyone started talking and asking questions at once, all very interested in meeting and probably taking a picture with Shawn.

Our teacher spoke, "Don't worry. You will all get a chance to meet and talk to Shawn at the end of the class. For now, he's going to go around the room and help anyone who is having problems with playing their guitar."

My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest knowing that I would be showing my guitar skills to my idol. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself.

Shawn started helping someone three people down from me and was slowly moving closer.

I tried playing one song I knew, but I kept messing up. Which was partly because of how nervous I was. After messing up a third time, I stopped playing and leaned back in my seat.

"Hey there, beautiful. What's your name?" I heard someone say in front of me. I looked up to see that it was Shawn.

"H-hi. I'm Y/n," I stuttered.

He ran a hand through his hair, "You look frustrated. Are you having trouble playing?"

"Yes, actually," I explained, "I can't get any of the chords to sound right. They don't sound the same as when everyone else plays them."

Shawn kneeled down in front of me, "Well, it might be that you're not pressing down hard enough with your fingers." Hep placed his hands on my left hand and positioned it, pressing my fingers down gently. "Try doing it just like this," he looked up at my face, meeting my eyes, "See?"

"Yeah. That feels better," I said, strumming once. It did sound better. "It's kind of hard to keep it that way though."

"Here, stand up. I'll help you," Shawn suggested.

I stood up and Shawn stood behind me. His arms reached around me, sliding over my arms. His body might have been a little closer to mine than he needed it to be, but I didn't mind at all.

"Just move your right arm over the guitar more," he slid my arm forward, "And keep your left wrist like this so you can move your fingers better." He made sure I stayed in that position and stepped around to face me.

"Okay, try out a g chord," he prompted.

I focused, trying to do everything he told me to do, and slid my guitar pick over the strings. The note rang out perfectly.

Shawn's face lit up, "Yes, you did it! Good job, Y/n."

"Thanks for helping me," I grinned.

"No problem. Let me just write down some tips for you to practice," he found a piece of paper and a pen, starting to write.

"And...done," Shawn handed me the paper that was folded in half.

I opened it and quickly scanned with my eyes what he wrote. To my great surprise, under a few tips was a small "call me" note with his number written on it.

"Keep practicing, okay?" Shawn winked, "I have a feeling you'll get really good soon."

I blushed, putting the paper in my back pocket. He walked to the next person and I wanted to jump up and down with joy.


I had fun writing this so I hope you liked it. I might update again today because somehow I'm feeling really productive. And I will get to everyone's requests, don't worry.

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