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A/n: Idk why this took me so long to write, I'm just really lazy. Also, this isn't in 3rd person even though I said I might start writing in it. Enjoy!

*Y/n's POV*

It was the middle of a hot, day as I stood leaning on the railing of my second-floor apartment's balcony next to my best friend Molly. "So," she looked at me, "How are things going with that guy I hooked you up with?"

I laughed, shaking my head, "Yeah, it didn't work out. I haven't texted him since we met, but I do have his number." With the sun beating down on my head, I hung my hands over the edge of the railing, one of them holding my phone as I scrolled through social media.

"You have to text him if you want anything to start. Here, I'll text him for you," Molly happily reached for my phone as I tried to move my hand away before she could grab it. Her hand hit mine and being my clumsy self, the phone slipped from my grip and fell into a small bush down on the ground.

"Molly!" I yelled, "You made me drop my phone! It was practically brand new!" I couldn't be too mad at her since she was my best friend, but I was still pretty upset.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I swear I didn't mean to make you drop it," she apologized, looking genuinely sorry, " I just wanted to help you get a boyfriend."

"But did you really have to knock it out of my hands?" I asked. Fortunately, I didn't have any more time to scold her.

"Hey!" a voice shouted, "Is anyone up there?" Stepping closer to the side railing, I glanced down to see my neighbor Shawn standing just below me. We had only talked a couple of times before, but I had always had a crush on him. I mean who wouldn't really?

"Hey, Y/n," Shawn flashed his perfect smile, "I was just walking to my car and I saw this fall." He held up my phone in his hand, the screen still on from when I was using it.

"Oh my gosh, yes that's mine!" I exclaimed, "Is it okay? The screen isn't cracked is it?"

"No, don't worry, it looks perfectly fine, Shawn told as he taped and swiped slightly on the screen to make sure it still worked. The bush most likely broke its fall. "You're lucky," he grinned.

I silently cheered in my head. I wouldn't have to pay tons of money to get the screen fixed after all. "Thank you so much, Shawn. You're a lifesaver!" I marveled, "Hold on, I'll be down in a minute."

I went through my house and down the stairs before running over to Shawn. The sun shined brightly on his fluffy, brown hair and sparkled in his dreamy eyes making me almost forget why I had come outside in the first place.

"Here's your phone," he said, holding it out in front of me as I took it from him, "I like your case by the way."

I flipped my phone over in my hands, looking at the Ed Sheeran picture that was on the case, and blushed, "Oh, yeah he's definitely one of my favorite singers."

"Mine too," Shawn nodded and put a hand on his hip, "I should probably get going or I'm going to be late."

"Yeah, thank you so, so much for helping me," I spoke, "My friend and I are just super clumsy."

"No problem. It's just the nice person I am," he smiled, "I hope I'll be able to see you again. It was nice talking to you."

I waved as he started to walk away, "Me too, see you later." He was just a little bit down the street when I unlocked my phone and noticed that it was on my contact list. I was surprised to find a new one added that said "Shawn❤❤".

Molly came outside seconds later and stood next to me as I looked at his number. "I would be a lot madder at you right now, but I just got a great guy's number," I announced, "I guess I'm not as single anymore."

She laughed, "This was all part of my master plan from the beginning!"

"Sure," I smiled and watched Shawn climb into his car, flashing a quick "call me" sign. "That was smooth, Shawn," I chuckled lightly, "Really smooth."


A/n: This isn't the best I have ever written, but I thought it was a cute idea. The next imagine will hopefully be written in a couple of days and from what I have planned it is going to be really good!

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