Don't Be Jealous: For Maryam

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This is for MaryamJosef. I hope you like it!

*Maryam's POV*

It was twenty minutes of walking down streets with the tall buildings around us before I concluded that we were in fact lost.

Shawn and I were in New York City and we had decided to walk back to our hotel after eating lunch since the traffic was too bad for a taxi. But, we must have made a wrong turn somewhere because neither of us had any idea how to get back to the hotel.

"Shawn, why don't we ask someone for directions," I suggested.

Shawn shook his head, "No, I can figure out how to get back." I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness but went along with him anyway. He continued to half pull me holding my hand to the street corner and then stood there looking back and forth. He obviously had no idea where he was going.

"That's it, I'm asking someone for directions," I declared, letting go of his hand. I walked a few steps to the nearest store which was a coffee shop and pushed open the door. There were a few people waiting in line to order, but I spotted one guy behind the counter who didn't seem to be busy. "Excuse me?" I called, waving to him.

He stepped towards me, "Mmhmm?"

"I was wondering if you could help with something," I stated.

"Of course," he flashed a smile, "Anything for a beautiful girl like you."

I was taken back a bit by the compliment and I could feel my cheeks blushing. The guy was probably around my age, but I didn't think of that at the time. "Um thanks," I smiled slightly, "I was hoping you could tell me how to get to the (hotel name) from here."

"Oh yeah, I know exactly where that is," the guy said, "You just take a right on the next street and then a left. I can show you there if you like. My shift just ended."

I was about to answer him and say that would be great, when Shawn came up behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Thank you, but we don't need your help," Shawn cut in. And before I could say anything, he was pulling me out of the shop.

"Shawn, what was that?" I argued once we were back outside.

"What was what?" Shawn responded, not looking at me.

I stepped up to him, "He knew how to get to the hotel and he was going to help us. Why did you just interrupt like that?"

"It was nothing, Maryam," he huffed, "I just didn't want to ask for directions."

I sighed. I didn't know why Shawn was acting like he was, but I decided to just let it go for now. "Well, it's a good thing I remember how he said to get there," I told, "It's this way." I started walking down the street.

"No, I'll lead the way," Shawn objected, "I know the way too. It's not just that stupid other guy who seems to know everything." He muttered the last part quietly under his breath.

Then I realized what must be wrong with him. "Is that what this is all about?" I asked as we kept walking, "Are you really jealous of that guy? Just because I spoke to him for a second?" I had to admit, it was kind of cute.

"I'm not jealous," Shawn defended. I thought he would say something else, but he didn't. He was definitely lying. What other reason could there be?

"Fine," I said, "If you're not jealous then I'm sure you won't mind if I tell you that the guy gave me his number." We were just arriving back at our hotel.

Shawn stopped in his tracks, "What?" "Yeah, he gave me his number and I'm going to meet up with him tomorrow," I lied.

"But-but-" he stammered, "I'm supposed to be with you tomorrow, not him!" By the look on his face, he totally believed me.

I laughed, "I got you! He didn't give me his number, I was kidding. And you are jealous!"

I watched him realize that there was no way to hide it and he just didn't say anything as we went up to our hotel room. When we got inside, Shawn sat down on the bed, crossing his arms and not looking up at me. I started to feel bad for trying to get him to admit that he was jealous.

"Hey," I said gently, sitting next to him, "There's no need to be jealous. I would never even think of being with anyone else but you. I wouldn't leave you."

Shawn glanced up at me and gave a slight smile. "Promise?" he asked.

"Absolutely," I grinned, "You're amazing and you treat me amazing. Like I'm the only girl in the whole world." "Plus," I added, "That other guy has nothing on you."

Shawn's smile grew and he put his arm around me. I placed my hands on his cheeks and gave him a long kiss which he returned.

I pulled away and whispered, "I promise I'm all yours."


I hope this was good, I like it quite a bit. If anyone's wondering, requests are still open. I have a few on my list, but I can always right more.
Thank you all so much for reading!!

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