Just a Game

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Part of this was originally inspired by I'm think some Tumblr post I saw on Pinterest, so credit to whoever that was. Also, excuse the terrible title, my brain is not working.

(Y/f/n = your friend's name)

*Y/n's POV*

"How do you want me to tell it to you?" I said to my friend.

She tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I could explain what happened in a positive way like some character from an unrealistic teen movie." I neatly folded the blanket on my bed in half. "Or I could be more honest with you, even though it definitely won't sound as wonderfully perfect."

"Hm." She leaned backward, propping herself up with her hands on the mattress. "How about something in between?"

"Okay, sure." I sat down on the bed, folding my hands in my lap and taking a breath. "I was at Shawn's place last Friday night with some of his other friends. I don't think Shawn meant for it to turn into a party, but at some point the guys brought drinks and it sort of ended up that way. I barely drank that much at all because I knew I would have to drive home and work the next morning. I thought Shawn was thinking the same until he came over to me and sat down really close to me. Like legs touching close. And it didn't seem like a normal friend thing. It was different which I swear made my heart skip a beat," I shook my head, probably blushing, "Do you know how cute he is when he's drunk?"

Y/f/n nodded, "Yes, Y/n. You've told me many, many times."

"Well, this time he was even more outgoing than usual," I told, "In all the years we've been close, he's never acted as he did before. At least not towards me."

Y/f/n leaned in out of interest. "Wait, what did he do?" she questioned.

I started to explain, "It was getting later in the night, probably around midnight, and almost everyone had gone home or was passed out somewhere in the living room. Shawn and I were still sitting right next to each other on one side of the couch with a silence hanging between us. Nothing was happening until I noticed that he was staring at me. I turned to face him and our faces were so close. I could barely get myself to keep breathing, let alone say anything to him. And then...well...he kissed me."

"Really?" My friend's eyes were wide.

"Yes. I know. I'm starting to question if it even happened," I ranted, "It must have happened though because I can remember how great it felt. I can remember not wanting it to end. Of course, it did end eventually. But the thing is, it's been almost a week since then and he hasn't mentioned it to me. At all."

I looked at Y/f/n. She looked puzzled. "Do you think he could have been that drunk that he doesn't remember any of it?"

"I don't know," I sighed, "I hope not." It was quiet after that for a little bit as I played with the corner of the sheets. "Anyway, I'm meeting up with him and everyone else tomorrow. We're going to go play laser tag at this one place," I added, "Hopefully either Shawn or I will bring it up then. I just don't want to be told that it was a mistake and he didn't mean it. Because it definitely meant something to me."


The next day, Shawn texted me a couple hours after I woke up. But no, it wasn't what I was hoping for. He was just telling me that Brian, Geoff, and a couple other of his friends would be coming along for laser tag. He was also asking if I still wanted to go.

Of course, no matter how awkward it might end up being for me, I did still want to go. Shawn was pretty competitive when it came to basically any game, so I was definitely going to try my hardest to beat him at laser tag. And it didn't bother me that I was probably going to be one of the only girls there. Shawn and I had been friends since we were ten. I had been in the same situation plenty of times before.

A couple hours later, I put my car in park and took the key out. The laser tag place parking lot was mostly empty, so I realized that Shawn, our friends, and I must have been the only people there. When I walked up to the front of the building, Shawn and most of the other guys were standing outside.

I made my way over to Shawn and he smiled when he saw me. "Y/n!" he grinned, "What's up? I haven't seen you in like a week. I missed you."

I put my hand on my hip and looked up at him. "You're trying to get me in a good mood so I'm nice to you during the laser tag game, aren't you?"

"No, I really missed you," he tried to save it, but he couldn't hold in his guilty chuckles.

"Well, your plan is not going to work."

"Okay, but I still mean it," Shawn said and pulled me into a hug. Nothing new, only a normal friend embrace. Or at least it was until I felt Shawn relax in my arms as he let out a small sigh. The hug only lasted slightly longer than usual, but those short few seconds made me question it. Soon enough, however, Shawn had pulled away like nothing happened and we all started to walk through the doors and into the building.

In the front area inside, there were several arcade games with colorful lights and sounds, and past that were the doors to the laser tag area. Since there was no one else there besides our group, we barely had to wait a minute before they let us in. We all stood against a wall of the dimly lit room as a woman who worked there explained the rules to us. Basically, we would be getting a light-up vest that would go dark if someone "shot us" with their laser shooter. (I don't know if I should say "gun" so I'm just like not gonna :/) But if that happened, it would only take a couple seconds for the vest to turn back on since we had unlimited lives. After we all heard the rules, we got our vests and laser shooters and were split into two different teams. Fortunately for me, Shawn was on the opposite team.

"Ready to lose?" I asked him while waiting at the door we would go through.

"I don't know," he smirked, "Are you?"

"We'll just have to see who wins," I provoked.

"I guess we will."

"Okay everyone," the worker spoke up, "Go on in!" We all responded immediately and strode into the area. I glanced around as everyone spread out. It looked like there was a higher up area up a ramp and a few different walls to hide behind down on the ground. I decided to find the perfect place against a corner that was almost completely hidden. Or so I thought.

A countdown came through the speakers and as soon as it said: "go!" I could hear people start to shoot their lasers. And I quickly realized that one of those people were trying to tag me. I didn't want to get hit so early on, so I started to run away. However, there must have been more than one person who was aiming at me because I got hit several times.

Jogging, I found a spot where no one else was, away from anyone on the other team. Oh, I am not letting Shawn's team win, I thought, I can do this.

I repeated the words to myself, stepping around a corner and coming out of hiding. I saw Geoff and tagged him once and I also got a few guys whose faces I couldn't make out. I smirked at how well I was doing.

All of a sudden, though, I heard a beep and my vest went black. Once again, someone was going for me and I had no choice but to run away. As I was running, I promised myself that I wouldn't get hit again. I started jogging down a short corridor and looked back over my shoulder. Whoever had been pursuing me wasn't visible, but I continued running and watching behind me anyway.

What I didn't do was watch in front of me. And I should have.

After only a few steps, I ran straight into someone's back. My cheek touched their cotton t-shirt. Both of us turned to face each other, saw immediately that we were on opposing teams, and raised our weapons quickly. But then I looked at his face, and he must have looked at mine.

Like the flick of a switch, Shawn's face softened as he realized it was me.

- - - - -

Hehe a low key cliffhanger, but part 2 is coming in like 2 seconds ;)

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