Deep Water: For Shannon

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Requested by @Shannon1300 I hope you like it!<3

*Shannon's POV*

"We're almost there!" I said excitedly as I drove on the road, seeing the ocean by my side, "I can't wait to jump in the water."

Shawn sat in the passenger seat beside me, "Do we really have to jump in where the water is so deep? Can't we just wade in on the beach?"

"Come on, Shawn, it'll be fun," I smiled at him, still keeping my eyes on the road, "We have to do something fun while we're in California." He didn't offer anything in response to that, but I could tell he was thinking.

When we finally pulled up to where we wanted to be, I got out of the car and walked in my swimsuit to the edge of a small cliff that lead to the clearly deep water. Shawn came up behind me also in his swimsuit and no shirt.

"Are you ready?" I turned to face him.

He shook his head no.

"What's wrong?"

"I just really don't want to do this. I know you want to so I feel like I should just put my fears aside and come with you, but I'm so scared," he spilled, looking like he was about to cry.

"Aw, baby, I'm sorry," I hugged him, "I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do. You don't have to jump in if you don't want to. I'll stay here."

"Thanks, Shannon," he walked out closer to the edge, "I have to say, the view is pretty nice here."

He was very close to the edge now, "Shawn be careful near the -" I was cut off by Shawn's shout as he slipped off the side of the cliff and into the water.

"Shawn!" I shouted. I heard a splash and didn't see him come to the surface in the short time where everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Knowing how scared he had been just seconds before and worrying that he might have hit his head, I jumped in after him as fast as I could. I soon surfaced and looked around for Shawn, but I saw nothing. I looked underwater, flailing my arms around, trying to find him. My hand finally found his arm and I pulled him up, trying to get his head above water. He was unconscious.

It was hard, but I tried my best to take him over to the small beach just a few feet away.

I got Shawn out of the water, but saw that he wasn't breathing.

Memories of all the lessons on CPR I took at a babysitting class came flowing back into my mind. (a/n: i actually have no idea about how to do cpr so don't judge lol) I quickly did all of the proper chest compressions and mouth to mouth on him until he started coughing and breathing again. He painfully sat up.

"Are you okay, Shawn? No, you obviously not, you're probably hurt. We should call an ambulance and -" I continued to rant on worriedly. I cried as the reality of what happened hit me, "I'm so sorry, Shawn. If I hadn't brought you out here and almost make you do something you didn't want to do, this wouldn't have happened. . .It's all my fault!"

Shawn seemed to finally gain his voice back and was looking at me in astonishment, "Shannon, you saved me! What are you saying, darling? The only thing here that is you're fault here is that I'm alive."

He coughed soon after that, but winced in pain as he held his most likely bruised ribs.

"But you're still hurt," I softly touched the bruise forming on his forehead and he winced again, "You could have died, Shawn. And that's on me."

"I don't know what I would do without you," I wrapped my arms around his shoulders gently, but it still caused him to cry out in pain.

"Shawn, we need to get you to a doctor. You're hurt bad."

"It's okay,  I can wait a little longer. I want to do something first." Shawn looked me in the eyes for a couple of seconds before crashing his lips onto mine. I kissed back passionately and I could tell he was using up every ounce of energy left in his body from that day's events as he pulled me closer to him.

He pulled away after what felt like the blink of an eye, but what was actually quite a long time.

Just savoring the moments before he would have to be seen by a doctor and be in a lot of pain, Shawn rested his chin on my head which was lying on his shoulder. We both sat by the water together until we had to leave.


A/n: Again, I really hoped you liked this Shannon! I am amazed at how many times I have updated this week and at how many reads and votes this book has gotten. Thank you so much!! On I side note, I would like to say that for requests, I do in order of what was requested first. Just for anyone who is waiting for one.


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