Cute But Random

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I got this idea from something online so creds to whoever's idea this was

*Y/n's POV*

Shawn and I were in our room and had been binge watching Stranger Things all morning. (Wow my life..) I was cuddled up under a blanket next to him.

"Can you pause it for a second?" Shawn asked.

I picked up the remote and hit pause, "Yeah, why?"

"I just have to go to the bathroom real quick," he told, starting to stand up off the bed, "I'll be back."

"Okay," I watched him walk out of the room.

Then I got an idea.

I flipped the blanket off me abs got out of bed. My idea was to hide under the bed and scare Shawn when he got back. It was literally the funniest thing watching him jump every time I did scare him successfully. In a loving, not mean, way though.

I lied down on the floor and started to pull myself into the small space under the bed. It was a bit of a tight fit,but I would still be able to jump out when I needed to.

In a couple of minutes, Shawn came back. He stood in the doorway and I watched him slowly realize that I was gone. A pure look of joy and excitement lit up on his face as he grinned.

Shawn ran past where I was, too fast for me to do anything, and went into the closet. He kept peeking out as if he was waiting for something.

He was trying to scare me.

I started to laugh quietly from where I was under the bed. "Shawn," I chuckled.

He stepped out of the closet, looking confused, "Y/n? Where are you?"

I laughed, "I'm under the bed!"

Shawn came over and kneeled down in front of my face, peeking down to see me. "What are you doing under there?" he questioned.

"I was trying to scare you," I told.

"But I was trying to scare you."

We both laughed after that. "Can you help me up?" I spoke.

"Yeah, of course," Shawn breathed. He gripped my arms and helped pull me out as gently as he could.

I was now lying on my back, staring up at him. "Hi," I grinned.

"Nice to see you again," Shawn joked.

I stood up and Shawn snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. He kissed me on the cheek, "You're cute."

"I know," I smiled, playfully. I tried to sit down on the edge of the bed, but I ended up falling backwards with Shawn landing on top of me.

"You're squishing me," I whined.

"No I'm not," Shawn chuckled.

"Yes you are."

"Okay, fine," he started to stand up. But, he still pulled me up with him and into his arms again. Shawn squeezed me tightly against his cheat and I hugged him back. "Mmmmm I love you," Shawn hummed.

"I love you too," I said.

"I'm not going to let go of you."

I smiled, "I didn't think so."


I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I've just been working nonstop on projects and homework that I have almost no time to write. I promise I'll try to keep a schedule going though. And I hope this was good!
Thank you for 62K reads!!!!!

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