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*Y/n’s POV*

“You got it?” Shawn asked, standing in front of me.

“Yeah, I think so,” I said as I moved my skate forward and stepped out onto the ice. Shawn and I had gone to the closest ice skating rink after he convinced me to go and play hockey with him. I just couldn’t say no to him after seeing his face as he talked about how fun it would be. Plus, I knew I would end up having a good time. It was a good thing that I was at least average at ice skating.

“Well, you got past the first step,” Shawn spoke, “You didn’t fall.”

“I didn’t fall yet,” I corrected with a smile.

He smiled back and handed me one of the hockey sticks. “Here, I’ll show you how to play.”

I nodded and skated around the small rink a little. The place we went to wasn’t at all busy. Shawn and I were lucky and found a rink that not only had no one else on it, but also had two small hockey goals set up at either end. I already sort of knew the rules of hockey, but I didn’t think I was too good at it.

After Shawn had shown me the basics like how to hold the hockey stick and other things like that, I felt a little bit more confident. “How about we play a game now?” Shawn suggested.

“You mean so you can lose to me?” I joked.

“Oh really?” he smirked, “How about we play and find out?”

“Game on, Mendes,” I grinned, “Hope you’re ready to lose.”

Shawn moved the small, black puck over the ice as we both moved to the center of the rink. “On three,” Shawn said, “One, two-”

“Three!” I shouted and got the puck before him. But, before I could skate with it more than a couple steps, I felt my skate slip beneath me and I fell backwards. It didn’t hurt much, but it came as a bit of a surprise.

Shawn chuckled and easily skated over and took the puck before hitting it towards one of the goal. And of course, it made it right in.

“That wasn’t fair, I fell,” I tried.

“Well you didn’t play fair either,” Shawn told, “You started before me!” I put on a fake pout and Shawn skated over to me. He crouched down in front of me and asked, “Is my baby okay?” I could tell he was half joking.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said.

“Come on,” Shawn grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet, “Let’s keep playing.”

We did continue playing, but Shawn kept scoring points against me. I didn’t fall a second time, but he kept getting around me in what seemed like every way possible. He even got a shot through my legs once! Soon, after I worked hard to get some points, the score was tied four to four. I was getting a little tired of always being scored on, but I didn’t want to give up. I was pretty competitive and I knew that if Shawn won, he would talk about it for weeks.

“I know you got this Y/n. Just keep trying,” Shawn spoke, “I’m trying to go easy on you anyways.”

“Well, it sure doesn’t seem like it,” I added.

“Okay, you’re right,” he laughed lightly, “I guess I kind of got too into the game. But I know you can get one more point. I believe in you, baby.” (believe is stuck in my head now lol)

His encouragements made me smile as I placed the puck down on the ice in front of me.

Somehow, when we counted to three once more and we both went for the puck, I actually got it. I was skating forward on the ice, but Shawn was quickly trying to get in front of me again. I knew if I wanted to score, I would have to just shoot and hope that it somehow went in.

Shawn was on my side, about to get in front of me, when I hit the puck with the stick as hard as I could. However, the second I did it I knew that I shouldn’t have.

The bottom part of the stick hit Shawn’s lower leg. It was a good thing he was wearing jeans or it would have been worse. “Ahh ow,” he gasped and backed off.

When I realized what I had done, I immediately felt bad. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry Shawn,” I apologized, letting my stick fall flat on the ice, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, Y/n. Don’t worry,” he told, stretching the leg that got hit a little bit.

I still felt bad, but then I looked over to the goal. The puck had gone in! Shawn must have realized that just as I did. “Hey, you did it!” he congratulated me, “You won babe, good job!” He came over and hugged me.

“Thank you,” I said, “Maybe this has been enough hockey for one day?”

Shawn nodded and we both made our way off the ice. We sat down next to each other on a bench just outside the rink and started to take our skates off. I was untying the laces of my second skate when I saw Shawn gently touching where I had hit his leg and wincing. It clearly hurt.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I stressed, “I feel so bad for hitting you. I’m sorry, I should have been more careful.”

“Shhhh, I’m fine,” Shawn cooed, cutting off my ranting, “I promise it’s just going to be a little bruised. Don’t worry about me. That was an incredible shot, anyway. You are really good.”

“Okay, as long as you’re not hurt,” I said, “And thank you. I can’t believe I actually won!”

Shawn set down his skates and pulled me to his chest. “I love you,” he spoke.

I laughed, “I still won, you know.”

He smiled, “Rematch next weekend?”



Hey it's been a little while since I updated, but I really like this one. I've been a bit busy, but I have also been working on a Shawn fanfiction which will probably come out in one or two months, but I'll keep you updated.

Hope you enjoyed and I love you all❤❤

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