Here For You: For Crystal

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This was requested by crystal_mendes17 I hope you like it! 💖

*Crystal's POV*

I was going to be a mom. Soon that is. First I had to go through a while of mood swings, cravings, and being a little afraid of what is happening next.

But Shawn was always there for me, even when he had other things to do with his career.

I was currently on maternity leave from my job and that left me with not much to do except wait for Shawn to get home from the studio. It was always one of the best parts of my day when he did.

I was working on something on my laptop when Shawn walked in the front door.

"Crystal, I'm home," he called before walking into our room. He sat by my side, "Hey I was wondering if you want to go out somewhere tonight since we haven't in a while."

"I don't want to talk right now, I'm busy," I snapped at him. Wait, why did I do that?

Shawn got up and left the room without a word.

Oh no, now he was upset. I didn't mean to get so mad at him. Stupid pregnancy hormones. I sat by myself for several minutes and buried my face in my arms. Now he was going to leave and. . .

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I looked up to see Shawn in the doorway, carrying a cup and some movies with him.

"I'm sorry," I cried, "I didn't mean to make you upset."

Shawn placed the things he brought down and sat on the bed next to me, "I wasn't upset. I was just going downstairs to get some tea for you and some movies we can watch together. I get what you're going through is hard, harder than I can imagine I know. I'll always be here for you."

My jaw dropped slightly with how relieved I was. "You're not going to leave me?" I asked him with some tears still in my eyes.

Shawn wiped the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs, "Now way, darling. Why would you think that? I would never, especially when our baby son is on the way. Not now, not ever."

He wrapped his arms around me, his larger body surrounding mine, then grabbed the cup he brought, "Crystal, do you want your tea now, love?"

I nodded and I took a couple of sips form the cup. "You're so nice to me," I smiled, starting to get overly emotional again.

"Shhhhhh," Shawn chuckled lightly, "There's no reason to cry again, I'm right here."

I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He placed his hand on my pregnant stomach, rubbing circles softly with his thumb.

"Hey, Shawn," I grinned up at him, "Could you by any chance get me some chocolate from the store? Pretty please? I'm really craving it."

"Of course, Crystal," he smiled and stood up, "I'm gonna get some muffins for myself too. I'll be back."

He kissed me, lips lingering for just a few seconds, with a loving smile on his face before leaving for the store. Best husband ever.


A/n: I hope you liked this Crystal! I wasn't sure of it at first, but now I really like it.
Sorry if updates are a little slower this week, I'm just really busy.
Peace out! ✌  

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