Happy Birthday

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*Y/n's POV*

I woke up on my birthday to Shawn gently shaking me awake and smiling as he stared down at me. "Good morning, baby. Happy birthday!" he cooed.

"Thanks, Shawn," I yawned and rolled over to see the clock, "What time is it?"

Shawn sat down on the edge of the bed next to me, "It's eleven o'clock. I let you sleep in since it's your birthday and all."

I grinned and sat up next to him, "Thank you. I've practically slept through half the day though."

"Don't worry," Shawn said, putting an arm around my shoulders, "We'll still have plenty of time to celebrate and I know you usually like having a lazy day on your birthday." He looked down at me for a few seconds until he was almost staring.

"You're too cute," I smiled as Shawn pulled me in for a kiss, "What are we doing today?"

He stood up, pulling me up with him and held both my hands. "For now, we're going to do whatever you want to do," Shawn told, sincerely looking into my eyes.

"I would be happy if we could just relax and watch movies," I decided happily.

He laughed and hugged me again, "I knew you would say that so I got some pillows and blankets set up on the couch downstairs. I even made some muffins for breakfast."

I giggled and pulled away. "Thank you, Shawn. You know me so well. You're honestly the best boyfriend ever!"

Holding my hand, Shawn started to walk out of the room, replying, "If everything goes how I want it to, that won't be the only time you say that today."

Walking down the stairs by his side, I smirked, "What do you have planned, Mendes?"

Shawn skipped over the last step, jumping to the ground, before leading me down behind him, "You'll just have to wait and see."

For a couple of hours, we sat on the couch watching Harry Potter movies while cuddling and eating various snacks. Shawn kept his arms around me and planted small kisses on my head and neck. After a while, when it started to get kind of boring, he looked down at me. My eyes were still open and looking at the screen. "Are you getting bored?" Shawn asked, pausing the movie.

I nodded and turned to face him, "Yeah, a little bit, but I love being with you."

"Perfect," he stood up from the couch and looked back down at me, "If it's okay with you I'd love to take you somewhere special tonight."

Curious, I stood up and smiled, looking at Shawn, "Oooh, sounds exciting. Can I know where we are going?"

"Nope, it's a surprise," he told, "It's nothing too fancy, but I know you'll love it."

"Sounds good," I said as we both went off to get ready. Between getting ready, I talked to both my parents on the phone and answered a few birthday texts and messages. I slipped on a blue dress with matching shoes and looked at myself in the mirror before putting on some light makeup. When I was done, I walked back downstairs to find Shawn standing in front of the door, dressed in a button up shirt and black pants.

Seeing me, his mouth went wide open in shock, soon replaced by a huge smile. "You're so beautiful," Shawn shook his head in disbelief, "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

He put his hands on my waist and I grinned, "All you had to do was be yourself."

After getting in the car, Shawn drove to a place that I didn't recognize. The small area off from the road overlooked the city and had a perfect view of the red and purple sunset that was happening then. I got out of the car and gasped, "It's so pretty. This is definitely one of the best sunsets I've ever seen."

He stood next to me and held my hand. "I always used to go here with my family," he explained, "And ever since we met it's reminded me of you."

Together, we watched the sun go down as the bright colors started to become less and less. "Happy birthday," Shawn pulled an envelope out if his back pocket, "Here's your first present."

I opened it and read the front of the card inside, "Aww, thank you. You're so sweet." However, I was absolutely dumbfounded when I opened the card and found tickets to see Harry Styles in concert. "Oh my God, Shawn, these are front row and everything!" I marveled, trying not to freak out too much, but failing. "How did you get these?"

Loving my reaction, Shawn laughed, "I talked to Harry and he gladly sent tickets once I paid for them. He even said that you can meet him after the show."

"This is the best birthday ever!" I expressed and jumped up and down. By then, the sun had pretty much disappeared behind the mountains.

"Hold on, I have one more thing for you," he quickly ran back to his car and came back, his hands behind him, "Just close your eyes,"

I did what he said, squeezing my hands together in excited anticipation as Shawn hung a necklace on my neck. "Okay, open them," he said.

Looking down, I saw what was on the necklace chain. It was a read rose charm with a stem that held onto the chain. If you looked closely enough, engraved in the stem was: "When you fall asleep tonight, just remember that we lay under the same stars".

The perfect moment occurred as I looked up at the sky, seeing all of the wonderful stars shining bright and standing out against the dark sky

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The perfect moment occurred as I looked up at the sky, seeing all of the wonderful stars shining bright and standing out against the dark sky.

"Shawn, it's absolutely beautiful," I glanced up at his face with some tears in my eyes, "I can't believe you did this for me. You're amazing." I ran into his arms and Shawn squeezed me tight, "Thank you so much. I love you to pieces."

He kissed my forehead, then lips, softly, "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, especially on your birthday. I'll always be here for you no matter what."

A/n: That ended up actually being really long, but I really liked this one. I meant to post this a few days ago when it actually was my birthday (July 8th) but I'm super lazy and didn't have time. So, yeah.

Anyways, today I am going to see Shawn live in LA and I am soooo excited!
Vote, comment, and have a great day!

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