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*Y/n's POV*

That night, Shawn and his team were having a sort of party at the studio to celebrate his album being released in two days. (we all wish lol)

Everyone who had collaborated or worked on the album with him was there and of course, I was too. I had honestly told him that I didn't have to be invited, but Shawn insisted that I, his girlfriend, had to be there.

When we got there, there were quite a few people, dancing to and talking over the music. And I also saw the beer and alcohol, which I knew Shawn's friends would bring.

"I have to go around and talk to everyone," Shawn told, looking to me, "Are you gonna be fine by yourself for a bit?"

I could tell he was kind of kidding. "Yes, of course, I'll be fine, Shawn," I smiled, "Just don't drink too much, okay?"

"I won't."

I gave him a skeptical look, "You remember your last birthday, right?"

"Yes, I remember my birthday," he was looking at the floor.

"And you remember the morning after?" I hinted, "You stayed in bed all day and wouldn't stop whining about your headache?"

"Hey, it was a bad headache!" Shawn joked.

"Exactly," I kissed him on the cheek, "Just have a good time."

"Okay, I'll be back." He walked away, going to talk to a couple people I didn't recognize.

I didn't mind not being with him the whole night. I started chatting with the few people I knew and I had a great time. Eventually, I excused myself and headed to the bathroom.

However, when I came back I noticed what Shawn was up to across the room. He was drinking quite a bit, taking a few shots with Matt and his other friends.

Oh well, I tried, I thought and smiled.

Ten minutes later, I was sitting on one of the stools at the makeshift bar when Shawn stumbled over. "Hi Y/n," he slurred.

"Hi, babe," I watched as he tried to get up on the stool, but tripped. The drink in his hand spilled a little on the floor.

When he finally sat down, I reached over and took the cup out of his hand. "Let me take that," I said, moving it away from him.

I turned to Matt who was next to me. "How many drinks has he had?"

Matt shrugged, "Apparently too many."

I faced Shawn again. He was resting his elbow on the counter and his chin in his hand as his eyelids started to droop. "You're so beautiful," Shawn complimented.

I chuckled, "Thank you, babe." Shawn then started to look a little upset. "Is there something wrong, Shawny?" I asked.

He pouted, "You're beautiful, but I'm not beautiful, so how can you be my girlfriend?"

I laughed at that. This was definitely drunk Shawn. "You're cute," I grinned.

"I'm not cute," Shawn argued.

"Yes, you are."

"Fine," he looked up at me, "Does that mean you can be my girlfriend?"

"Shawn, I am your girlfriend!" I laughed. It was hilarious and adorable that that was what he was thinking about.

His eyes went wide, "Really?"

"Yes!" I smiled and turned back to Matt, "I should take him home. What time is it?"

"It's almost midnight," he said.

I nodded and helped Shawn to his feet, "Come on, babe. We're going home."

"I don't want to," Shawn whined, crossing his arms.

I pulled him towards the door anyway, "You're drunk, love. You'll appreciate the sleep tomorrow morning." As I helped him to the door, Shawn leaning on me, I realized I would have to get Shawn to the car and home. And watching drunk Shawn was like watching a two-year-old who could barely stand on his own two feet.

When we were a few feet from my car, Shawn tripped over his own feet, almost landing face first on the ground.

"Shawn," I giggled, "Careful, baby!" I helped him in the car and started driving. He fumbled with his seatbelt until I reached over and did it for him.

When we finally got to our apartment, I continued allowing Shawn to lean on me, his arm around my shoulders as we walked inside. He was heavy, but I could manage it. That is until we got to our room and I let him fall down on the bed.

"Here are some clothes to change into," I handed him his black t-shirt and sweats, "I'll be back in a second."

I left to change as well and when I came back, Shawn was already asleep. Only when I came over to him did I realize that he had put his shirt on backward. I broke into a laugh one more time before falling asleep next to him.


Ugh this probably sucks. I keep having good ideas and then I try to write it and I can't think of anything😩
I hope you all are having a good day/night. And remember, we're one day closer to sm3!!

PS: Thank you so much for 2k votes! Like wtf I'm shook💖💖

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