Noise (Requested)

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Hey, comment what you think will be your favorite song off the album!!
Mine is probably gonna be either Youth or Queen but tbh they all sound super amazing

This was requested by MENDES_LMUFFINS. Hope ya like it!!❤

*Shawn's POV*

I thought I would be okay.

When Y/n and my dad asked me how I would feel about going out to eat at a restaurant, I assured them that I would be fine. "I'll be okay. None of it will bother me," I said to them. And they believed me.

I was wrong though.

Ever since I was little, I've had a pretty bad sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights. Most of the time, it could be managed. However the thing I usually couldn't help though was being in public places. All of the lights and sounds got too much sometimes. It always made me incredibly anxious.

But I was determined that I could get through it this time. Have one normal night out for Y/n and my dad.

We walked up to the restaurant from our car as I held Y/n's hand, our arms swinging back and forth slightly. When we stepped up to the door of the place, I took a deep breath.

"You okay?" Y/n asked, looking up at me.

I swallowed and reluctantly nodded. My dad came around and opened the door, but as soon as he did, I knew I had made a mistake coming there.

The place was pretty much packed with as many people possible. There were a couple groups of people at the front of the restaurant and plenty more who had already been seated or were eating. And they were all talking, some louder than others. The lights coming from the ceiling were brighter than I remembered as well. It was all getting to me and I hadn't even been there for more than a minute.

I closed my eyes, trying to block it all out, and tapped my finger against my leg. My other hand must have been shaking or something because Y/n squeezed it reassuringly.

It was a good thing that there wasn't too long of a wait because I needed to get away from the small crowd around me.

"Is a table next to the window okay?" the woman at the front asked.

My dad spoke up, "Yeah, that's fine."

I silently let out a sigh. Maybe a seat by the window would help me a little. There at least wouldn't be noises coming from one side of me.

Once we had all sat down, Y/n next to me and my dad across, we started looking at the menus. 

I could barely focus though. I was starting to get more and more anxious from the constant noise around me. I could barely take it. It wasn't even that loud, but I could feel myself panicking.

All of a sudden, a really bright light flashed through the window next to me and I jumped in my seat. It must have been headlights from a car outside. My heart started racing out of fear and I stared down at my trembling hands. I was so scared as I looked up at my dad.

He dropped the menu on the table. "Shawn, are you okay?" he asked, "Are you having a panic attack?" And that was the last thing I remembered before I started to get dizzy and everything became a blur.

At some point, my dad and Y/n must have taken me outside. I was sitting on the curb when I finally came to my senses again. I was breathing heavily.

Y/n was sitting beside me, rubbing my back gently. "You're okay," she spoke, "I think it's over now."

I nodded and when I got mostly back to normal, I stood up with Y/n steadying me. I looked over to my dad and he looked upset, like there was something wrong.

His eyes glanced up at me. "Are you okay?" he stressed, "I'm so sorry for taking you here, Shawn. I should have known better."

"No Dad," I shook my head, "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known. I put this on myself. I thought I could handle it but I couldn't."

"Come here," he said, bringing me into a tight hug, "I'm still sorry. Let's get you home." We all walked back to the car and started driving. I sat in the second row with Y/n while my dad drove.

Halfway through the drive, I saw my dad shaking his head. "I can't believe I made you go through that," he mumbled, "I'm supposed to help you and protect you as your father, but instead I forced you into that situation. I'm so so sorry, Shawn."

I hated hearing him talk down to himself like that.  "Dad, I promise I'm okay," I told, "And I made the choice myself, there's no reason to apologize. Please don't beat yourself up over it. It happens and I'm fine."

"Thank you, bud," he smiled, "I'm still sorry though."


"Okay, okay. I'll stop know. I'm glad you're okay."

Soon, we arrived back at my house and it didn't take long for me to fall onto the couch in the living room. I was pretty exhausted.

"Hey, you still doing alright?" Y/n came into the room and sat next to me.

"Yeah, I'm feeling almost completely better now," I assured her.

"That's great," she continued with a snile, "Your dad said it was okay for me to stay over with you tonight, so I'm just going to have to baby you until morning."

"Is that because your worried about me?"

"Of course I'm a little worried," Y/n grinned, "But I also want to take care of you. I'm going to cook you whatever you want for dinner."

"Well then, being babied sounds great to me."


I hope this was good and I'm sorry that it took a while.
I would have written sooner but this certain someone just decided to have a 9 hour livestream *cough* Shawn *cough cough*

So if you don't already know, Shawn's self titled album comes out on May 25th!!!!! You can preorder it or presave it now! (I already have lol) And I'm so excited for it you guys have no idea. I really CAN NOT wait!!

Have a great day loves!!

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