Break Up: For DJ

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This was requested by @Neverland_Queen246 Hopefully this will publish this time and I hope you like it!

*DJ's POV*

The sound of the front door opening echoed through the apartment that my boyfriend Shawn and I shared.

I quickly went over to meet Shawn who was coming home from the studio. "Hi, baby," I called and hugged him.

He didn't hug back though.

I let go of him and looked up to see him staring at the floor. His eyes were a little bloodshot. "Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

He played with his hands and his eyes finally met mine. "I-I have some b-bad news, DJ," Shawn stuttered.

Oh no, I thought. What could it be? I was getting really anxious.

"What is it?" I breathed.

Shawn bit his lip. "I have to break up with you," he said really quickly.

"W-what?" my mouth hung open and I could feel my eyes pricking with tears.

"What I mean is, we can't be together anymore," he tried to explain. Shawn wiped his cheeks - was that tears?

"But why, Shawn?" I expressed, "I thought things were going good between us. I mean, we had our ups and downs, but there was nothing major, was there? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. Just know that," Shawn put his hands on my shoulders. He was definitely crying, I was sure.

"Then what is it?" I questioned.

He stepped back from me, "I can't tell you. I just have to go."

I didn't understand what was happening. Shawn had to break up with me and he couldn't tell me why? It didn't make any sense.

Shawn started to head towards our room.

I followed him, "Shawn, tell me what's going on, please! What's making you break up with me?"

Shawn turned around. "It's my management! Okay?" he shouted, but then he calmed down, "I wasn't supposed to tell you that because you can't do anything about it. They want me to break up with you because they think I'm spending too much time with you and not enough working. I have to listen to them." He sat down on the edge of the bed.

I watched him, calmer, but still not understanding completely. "And you're going to choose your career over me?" I said softly.

"DJ, I don't have a choice on any of this. I'm signed to them. And I honestly don't want to lose that," Shawn sighed, "I love you like crazy, but I have to do this." He looked up at me, "So, maybe we'll see each other in a few months. I'm not going to take anything that's yours. I'll find another place to stay."

"Shawn..." I sat down next to him, crying and throwing my arms around his neck, "You're something that's mine. I'm not just going to stop loving you and I'm never going to stop missing you."

For the first time that day, he hugged me back. "I know," he told, "This is insanely hard for me too, but I have to leave. We'll take things as they go and hopefully sometime we can get back together. But that's not right now."

I squeezed him tight one more time before he stood up. Shawn got a bag together with his things and we stood at the front door again.

I didn't think I could cry anymore than I already had. "I guess this is goodbye," I began.

Shawn had his hands on my waist and he kissed me quickly on the lips. I could tell he was barely leaving. Going against what he really wanted to do.

"Don't forget me," he whispered, "Because I won't forget you."

A few seconds later, he was out the door.


I hope you liked this! Short authors note because I'm writing this when I should be sleeping, bye!

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