Valentine's Day #2

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Thanks to mendesarmys4life for this idea! I hope it turns out good!❤

*Y/n's POV*

Shawn stood by the front door and I picked up my purse, walking over to him.

"So, I'm just going to go out with my friends and see a movie or something," he told.

"When do you think you'll be back?" I asked.

"Probably in a couple of hours," Shawn said.

"Well, that's good," I added, "because I'm going to be out with my friends for a bit too."

"What are you going to be doing?'

I waved the question off casually, "Just hanging out at one of their houses."

"Okay, I should probably get going," he smiled, "Happy Valentine's Day by the way, Y/n. I love you."

"Thanks. I love you too, Shawny," I hugged him before he left out the door.

I let out a sigh once he was gone. The truth was, I was actually going shopping for his Valentines Day gift, not hanging out with my friends like I said. I could have just told him, but I wanted it to be a surprise. And I was sure he would insist that I didn't need to get him anything.

Quickly grabbing my keys, I went outside and hopped in my car. I was planning on heading to the mall because I knew that they would have plenty of places to get something perfect.

When I got there, I parked and headed inside. I started to walk around past the shops, getting distracted by things that I would like a couple of times.

Eventually, I got to the right place and quickly picked up Shawn's gift.

When I was done, carrying a bag in my hand, I started to walk back through the mall. There were a lot of people there, walking around me, probably because of the holiday. A lot of them were couples holding hands and that made me smile.

I was just walking when all of a sudden, I accidentally ran right into someone.

"Oh shoot, sorry," I apologized for bumping into them.

"Y/n?" the person said.

I looked up, "Shawn?" He was standing there, looking at me wide eyed, and also carrying a bag in his hands.

He was all by himself which meant he hadn't been actually been going out with friends either. I realized he must have been doing the same thing as me.

I quickly hid the bag Shawn's gift was in behind my back and Shawn did the same right after me.

"Here," he spoke, "Let's just pretend this never happened and we both meet at home like normal."

"Sounds good," I nodded. There was a slight smile on my lips.

"Okay," Shawn finished and started to awkwardly walk away. He looked back over his shoulder a few times and I laughed lightly. He was always so cute.

I decided to grab something to eat before I left the mall so I wouldn't get home at the same time as Shawn.

In twenty minutes, I was home. Shawn's car was parked outside.

I opened the door and found him in the living room.

"Oh, good you're back," he smiled and winked at me.

"Yeah. I hope you had fun with the guys," I joked.

"Since we both have already had our surprises spoiled, how about we just exchange or gifts now?" he suggested.

I agreed and we both hid our gifts for each other behind ourselves as we sat on the couch.

"You go first," Shawn told.

"No, you go first," I teased.

"It doesn't matter who goes first!" Shawn laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll go." I showed him the gift. It was a nice picture frame with two pictures in it. One was just a cute photo of Shawn and I relaxing together and the other was a picture I had my friend take of me at one of his shows. You could see me in the crowd looking up at Shawn on stage with all of the twinkling phone lights around us.

Shawn broke out into a big grin when he saw it. "Aww," he cooed and looked up at me, "Baby, did you put all of this together for me?"

"Yes," I answered, "Do you like it?"

"Of course. I love it," he beamed.

"And you can take it with you when you leave for tour and everything," I added.

He seemed even more happy at that. "Thank you," Shawn hugged me quickly, "Here's your gift." Shawn brought out from behind him a small pink teddy bear.

"Awww," I commented, taking it from him. It was really soft. Shawn said,

"Look around his neck."

I looked and there was necklace there. It had a diamond in the shape of a heart on a thin, gold colored chain. (Okay story time: I have I necklace just like that, but it got all tangled up so now I can't wear it *cries*)"Shawn, it's beautiful," I admired it.

"I'm so glad you like it," Shawn sighed, "I was kind of nervous."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Thank you so much Shawn. And happy Valentine's Day, love."

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Y/n."


Guys, I hope this was good. And I hope all of you have a great Valentine's Day. I'm single af so I won't be doing much lol

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