Where Were You In the Morning?

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If you haven't heard this song, you are missing out on so many levels..

*Shawn's POV*

The rays of sunlight slipping through the closed blinds were the first things I noticed when I opened my eyes. I was happy, lying on my back, and I felt a small smile form on my face in the calm of it all. I pulled the covers up slightly as I thought of the moments from the night before.

"I would love to get to know you better," I spoke, "You seem like a good person. And you're absolutely stunning."

She smiled and the light shined on her hair perfectly, "I'd like to get to know you too."

Suddenly, I remembered everything that had happened: me driving her to my condo and our lips pressed together as we laid on my bed. And what happened after that. Y/n, that was her name. I had liked her name from the moment she told me it. I started to roll over onto my side, planning on putting my arm around her, but I stopped.

She wasn't there. My hand fell onto the cold, wrinkled sheets and I frowned. I thought she was going to stay. It was more than just a one time hook up, at least to me. We had talked for a while about different things, even about getting breakfast the next morning.

"Okay, my turn to ask something," she let out a breath and pressed her lips together as she thought, "If you had to choose one, pancakes or waffles?"

"I think pancakes for sure," I replied quickly.

"Really?" Y/n smiled, "How can you choose pancakes over waffles?"

"I don't know, I just like them better," I laughed lightly, "How about we both go out tomorrow morning and I'll buy you a waffle?"

"Sounds good," she said, "Then I can show you why waffles are so much better."

But she wouldn't show me because she would leave before I even woke up.

I sat up in bed and realized that maybe she left a note or something. Maybe she just had to go to work or had to leave for some other reason and she left her number written down somewhere. I quickly got out of bed and checked on top of my nightstand and dresser for any note, but found nothing. I even checked my phone contacts just in case maybe she told me her number and I didn't realize. But still, there was nothing.

I sighed as I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I thought she had a good time. It sure seemed like she did. I could clearly remember how she fell asleep with her head pressed against my chest and my arms around her. I missed the feeling of it.

There was still no note to be found on the kitchen counter or anywhere in the rest of the condo. She was gone. The only sign that she had even been there was the unlocked front door, which I soon went over and locked again.

After making some tea, I stood leaning on the kitchen counter in silence. I thought that maybe the night wasn't as special to her as it was to me and I wondered how she could leave just like that.

Two days later, I was walking down the streets of Toronto with my friends. It was pretty relaxing just enjoying my time and meeting a few fans here and there. I was laughing at a joke one of my friends had made when I saw a familiar face in the crowd walking the opposite way as us.

All of a sudden I realized who it was. It was Y/n. I almost didn't recognize her with her hair put up instead of just down in a simple style, but it was definitely her. I stared a little as we walked past each other until her eyes looked up at me. I saw her put the pieces together and recognize who I was as well. However, just as I was about to say something to her, she turned quickly on her heel and started walking in the other direction.

"Wait!" I called and hurried after her. "Y/n, wait!" Soon, I was walking next to her.

"Shawn, I don't want to talk," she told, continuing to walk ahead.

"Well, I do," I insisted, "You left without saying anything to me. I can't just act like nothing ever happened. Maybe you can, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about that night since it happened."

She stopped in her tracks, "Fine Shawn. Let's just go somewhere else. This isn't the best place to talk."

I nodded and followed her around a street corner where there was hardly any people. "So," I started, "I guess there wasn't anything between us, even though I thought there was."

"No Shawn, that's not it," she sighed and shook her head, "Can you let me explain and promise not to laugh at me?"

I couldn't see why I would laugh at her. "Yeah, sure," I said.

"Okay," Y/n began, "The truth is, I didn't know if you wanted me to be there when you woke up. I mean, your a celebrity and...I don't know, I just wasn't sure if you wanted me to stay. I had a great time with you, but I thought that maybe you didn't and I was just a random hook up to you."

"And also," she continued, "I didn't want to get my heart broken. The last relationship I was in ended out of nowhere after I was already so attached to the guy and it hurt me so much. I guess I was scared that I would get hurt again. That's why I left before things could get more serious." She was staring at her feet.

It was crazy to me that she thought that I would really do that too her, but I could see why she felt that way. I moved my hand and lifted her chin up with my fingers. "Y/n, I won't hurt you like that," I promised and gave her a short kiss, "I would never leave you just like that, as long as you don't leave me."

"I won't," she said, "I know too well how it feels." She stood up on her toes and attached her lips to mine once again.


Hey, I hope this was good. I actually really really like it! It's kinda long, but I wrote it so fast. Thank you to Shawn for having such an amazing song👏👏👏

Just in case you didn't know, Shawn Mendes the album comes out in 6 days on May 25th!! It's so soon but yet so far away at the same time...

Anyway, thank you all for reading!

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