Chapter 33

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Talia's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of soft snores. I rolled over and saw a sleeping Harry. You could hear soft snores escaping his lips. His curls were sprawled across the pillow. His arms were wrapped around my waist. I could see that Harry and I were naked then remembered what happened last night.

I kept trying to break free but I couldn't get up and out if Harry's grip.


No response


No response



"I need to get up."

"Can't we just stay in bed?"

"Fine but if someone comes to the door and knocks I'm getting up."

"Ok." He then started falling asleep again. I closed my eyes too. Next thing I knew I was passed out.


I woke up still wrapped in Harry's arms except this time I escaped. I got up and quickly put on my outfit from last night. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I redid the braid then walked back into the bedroom. Harry was still sleeping so I decided to go downstairs.

When I got downstairs I noticed that the house was a mess. Their were Cheeto puffs and Funyuns everywhere in the living room and candy was scattered all over the floor. The girls were sleeping on the couches and the guys were sleeping on the floor. I cleaned the beach house for a good hour before Harry woke up. I noticed he woke up because I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist.

"How did you sleep babe?"

"I slept good. I had fun last night by the way." I winked at him and he winked back.

"So did I." He was smirking and thinking. Probably thinking about last night.

"So we are having a party today. So what do I need to get?"

"Umm... I didn't know about this party."

"Oh. Right. I just remembered it's a girls only party. Nevermind."

"Who is coming to this girls only party?"

"Maria, Makayla, Sabrina, Colette, Kelsey, and my friend Ellen. She lives here and I ran into her yesterday so we decided to have a girls only party."

"Ok just making sure no male strippers or other guys."

"The only other guy coming is Ellen's boyfriend. But you guys are gonna be hanging out while the girls hang out."


"I'm gonna go to the store so I can get snacks for us. I'll see you in a bit."

I quickly went to the nearest store which was Walgreens. I grabbed Cheeto Puffs for Makayla, Arizona tea for everyone, Funyuns for everyone, Gardettos for me, and I quickly paid for everything. As soon as I was done here I left. When I got home I noticed everyone was awake. Sabrina started making coffee for everyone. When I walked in the door and I saw Harry I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist. He put his arm around me.

All of the sudden everyone except for Harry and I are clapping and cheering. Harry and I look at each other. We are utterly lost.

"Why are you guys clapping? Did Harry and I do something?"

"Yeah you did IT!!" Colette had finally made us realize what we did. I started to blush and so was Harry.

"My little Harry is grown up!!" Louis and the boys walked over to Harry and hugged him.

The girls walked over to me and pulled me aside so we could talk. All of the sudden the girls start bombarding me with questions.

"How was it?"

"Were you both virgins?"

"Was it romantic?"

"Was he good?"

"Do you think you were good?"

I couldn't take any more questions so I decided to answer.

"It was nice and romantic. He and I were both virgins. I thought he was better than good and I was good at least I think."

They stopped talking because they were listening to me. I then walked away and noticed that the guys were still in a hug. I noticed no one was behind him so I hugged him from behind then pinched his butt. Louis noticed what I did and played along with me.

"Hey lads! Who pinched my bum?"

I was gonna say something but then Louis started talking.

"Sorry lad. That was me. Couldn't help but pinch that booty." I started laughing silently. Louis sated signaling me to pull down his pants. I had needed help because I know Harry wears skinny jeans so Liam and Louis helped me. We successfully get them down so you can see Harry in his black Hanes. He turns around to find me laughing on the floor. He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.

"Harry put me down I have to get ready."

"Sorry babe I have to get payback."

"And how is that?"

"Me to know and you to find out."

He threw me onto the bed once we got into the bedroom. He ran out the door and slammed it shut. I ran to the door and tried to open it but Harry was holding it shut.

"Let me out Harry!"

"Not until you get into a bikini."


"Just do it."


I changed into the paint ball bikini I got from Victoria's Secret.

"I changed."

"Ok." Harry opened the door and I noticed he changed into his swimming bottoms. He then picked me up and put me over his shoulders again. He grabbed a towel that is really big. We started walking outside. I noticed that Harry was standing in water. I knew what was gonna happen next. He through me underwater. I came back up as was cold. I pulled him underwater with me. For the next 45 minutes we were outside either playing in water or making out. I then got wrapped up in the towel with Harry and he carries me inside bridal style. When we got inside Harry set me down and ran upstairs to get changed.

I saw Ellen and I saw a boy come in with her. I then noticed who that boy was. I could hear Harry come downstairs and he noticed who it was too. He looked at me upsetly. I set him a 'what the hell is he doing here' look. He was confused and upset and I was just upset. It was Brandon. My ex.

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