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Brooklyn, NY
     I was walking through the aisles of Target while thinking of what I needed back at my apartment. I grabbed my shopping list from the pocket of my backpack and read it in my head.
-Frosted Flakes
     I had a line drawn through each until I finally got to the register. I set the things down and paid a total of $18.60, then grabbed my bags and walked out with a "Thank you." I opened my bag, stuffing my groceries in there, and started on my journey back to the apartment.
     About half way, I heard a distant yelling but it soon became louder and closer. A young looking, black haired, maybe Japanese guy ran up to me. It was clear he was drunk and had no idea what he was doing.

"Hey baby, how're you?" He asked grabbing your shoulder.

"Uhm... excuse me?"

"My name is" he burped. "Jeff."

     Two more guys ran up. A lanky tall one and one who was a bit bigger with long hair.

"Oi get back here. Stop bothering this random girl!" The long haired one said.

"Oh uh... I don't mind. I do this all the time when I'm drunk. Except my friends don't really care. Mostly because I don't have any." I giggled.

"Oh hush. I'm sure you have friends. You seem like a sweet girl." The tall one said as he pushed up his glassed.

"Awe thanks. Well here's your friend." I said as I boosted him off of my shoulder onto theirs.

"No wait. Come back. She's pretty and warm..." He said while sticking out his bottom lip.

I saluted with two fingers and spun on my heel, then walked off.


I arrived at my apartment and stuffed my fridge. "There. Stocked up." I walked into my living room and sat down on the couch, turning on Rick and Morty. I sighed as I checked the time. "3:55am?! How long have I been sitting here?" I got up and walked to my room, brushing my teeth, and laying down on my bed. I couldn't get those guys out of my head. They seemed fun to hang out with and considering I haven't talked to anyone in forever. I drifted to sleep.


I woke up at 11:30am and looked at the clock. Rolling out of bed, I put on some black ripped pants and a black cropped top with a broken heart embroidered on it. As I thought of where to go, I brushed my teeth and ate some eggs. Finally, I decided on going to the mall... alone. I got my backpack and phone, then strapped on my shoes. I walked out the front door and locked it behind me. As I walked the busy streets I decided to stop for coffee, then hail a cab. I jumped in and entered my destination. With that, we were off.
     About 25 minutes later I arrived and paid, then got out and walked inside the mall. The first place I went to was Vans. I picked out some grey ones and tried them on, admiring them in a small mirror. 

"That's a nice color on you," boomed an Aussie voice. "You should get em."

"Oh hey...dude?" I said, taking off the shoe.

"Oh yeah. Forgot to introduce myself properly since I was dealing with a drunk fool. I'm Max. And the tall nerd with the glasses is Ian. And the drunky is-"

     He got cut off as someone bumped into him. The Japanese one got shoved by Ian, causing him to fall on Max and end up in front of me.

"Oh uh. Hi. I'm the drunky." He giggled. "Naw I'm kidding. I'm George. But my friends call me Joji. Nice to meet y- no way! Guys look she has the shirt!" He said as he poked my chest where the heart was, then pointed to his. "Man, we're like... meant to be."

I just giggled. "Well one: Im y/n. And two: Yeah. Don't think so. We just met, plus you were legit wasted when you first saw me. That's the only reason that you called me 'baby'." I said, mocking him.

"Awh cmon. You're gonna blame me for being drunk? That's not my fault I have depression and wanna drown my sorrows in alcohol."

"Well maybe you should just chill and cut down on it. Maybe just a little."

"Aye look Ian. They're like a couple already. Arguing." Max said.

Ian just laughed and nodded.

"Oh you guys shut up. Now if you'll excuse me, I got several more places to visit. One being the food court."

"We'll come with. We haven't eaten." George said.

Ah man I hope y'all like this story. Also I might write smut. Not like in the next chapters or anything but later in the story. I don't know my sister always gets into my phone and goes through my things. So if someone wants to write one for me, just leave like a heart in the comments. Idek. Alright. Love you bye.
~word count<>853~

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