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     Me and George walked out of Starbucks and got back in the car. I looked up at the sky and got a bit nervous.

"Babe... it looks like a storm is coming in... it's huge."

"Can you check the weather?"

"Yeah." I took out my phone and read "100% chance of a thunderstorm and rain... get somewhere underground and safe..."


"I-I don't know it says get in a shelter until we're advised to get out..."

"What the h-" an emergency broadcast came over the car radio. 'This is not a test, please get somewhere safe. There are possible Hurricanes approaching. Do not go outside until you are told. I repeat, possible hurricanes approaching. Do NOT go outside.'

"George... I've never been in one."

"I have. We have to pick up Ian, Ethan, and Hila. I know where there's a bunker."

I nodded and he sped off.


Ian got in and saw the huge cloud following us. He panicked and I jumped in the back seat to calm him down. We soon picked up Ethan and Hila from their house and started driving again.

"George why the hell are we going towards the storm?!"

"Baby, hang on. It's up here in this field."

"Please hurry. I'm scared." I said as I started to cry. Hila wrapped her arms around me like a mom and softly rubbed my back. We pulled up to a large field and George drove into a cave. We got out, grabbing waters, canned food, meats, veggies, and a portable stove. As we were running a huge boom of thunder scared me, causing me to run faster and get to a large metal door. George took a key from his pocket and opened it, holding it for all of us. We got in and ran down a set of stairs, then down into a cellar.

"George What the hell is this?"

"My family is rich out the ass. They built This for me a long time ago... we have generators if the power goes out. And we should be able to go everywhere in the house without getting hurt. This is all built in the ground and surrounded by an extra layer of concrete."

I looked around for a while and soon went to bed.


"Y/n. It's over."

"Hm? Our relationship?" I sat up quickly.

"No, idiot. The storm." He laughed.

"Oh. I got scared for a second... hows it look out there?"

"I don't know... wanna go look with me?"

"Sure..." I got up and slipped on a shirt and pants, sliding out of the soft, warm bed.

"Cmon Baby." He kissed me, then led me up the stairs. He opened the door and looked out. It didn't look bad but there was some trees that had fallen with the winds.


Soon, we were back on the road going to the house. We dropped Ethan and Hila off at their house, then went back home. Ian got out first, then me and George. Ian waved grabbed our hands and walked in the front doors, and upstairs to our room. "Cmon kids."
A couple of hours later I made some ramen for me and the guys, then sat down and watched The Benchwarmers. George would look at me every time I giggle and he smiled. The one part the kids were screaming "beef stew" got me so hard I was on the floor in a fit of giggles. George got up and dismissed both of us, turning off the lights and letting Ian sleep. He carried me into the room and laid me on the bed, grinning. He started to kiss my neck and grind his hips on mine as I let out a small giggle. Slowly, he pulled down my pants and rubbed me through my panties. "Damn baby girl. You're already soaking wet." I moaned softly as he pulled down my panties, then took his boxers off and inserted himself. I put my arms on both sides on my head. George placed his hands on either sides of my head, holding my arms. He thrusted into me roughly and grunted sexily. I threw my head back and wrapped my legs around him, moaning loudly. He dove down and sucked on my neck, leaving a dark purple mark, then standing up and thrusted again, causing me to shake violently under him along with the bed creaking. I saw his abs tense up and some veins pop out of his biceps as he came inside of me. I arched my back and moaned, releasing my juices also. He thrusted lightly, waiting for the feeling to subside, then pulled out and laid beside me, covering us both with the blanket.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


I woke up and grumbled, flipping over and pressing my bare body against George's. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"What do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know..."

"Oh, you know what?"


"Guess who's ready to be picked up?"

"Wh- wait... Bear?!"

"Yeah." He chuckled.

"Where and when?"

"I had someone pick him up for us. He'll be here in a bit."

"Should we set up?"


We got up and grabbed the kennel, setting it in the room since it was big enough, then putting a potty pad to the side. I put some toys out and put the treats and dog food in the corner. We put the rest of the things in a small cupboard and soon heard a knock. I trot over to the door and opened it, seeing Max and Katt with the puppy. I jumped and hugged them tightly.

"What the hell are you doing back here?!"

"I missed you and Katt wanted to see you so. Here we are." He chuckled and handed over Bear. "Oh. And here's your dog."

I grabbed Bear and cradled him, kissing his little forehead. "He's so cute." I sat down on the couch and George walked up to me and looked down. "Hold still. I need a picture." I giggled and nodded. He took out his phone and snapped a picture, then posted it to Instagram with the caption "Our baby boy. Btw I love this girl." It got hundreds of comments and likes in a few seconds. He leaned down and kissed me, lightly biting my lip. "George stooop." Ian groaned. "It's bad enough I heard y'alls moans and screams all night. Even through my headphones." Max and Katt giggled as George blushed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah. Sorry. Uh. Y/n, apologize."

"Sorry he fucks good." I went back to petting the dog.
Please kill me. Btw I'm stuck in Hurricane Harvey right now. :))))))))))
Word Count<>1124

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