Quick A/N (annoying ik. Im sorry)

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So we had this storm. It was like a actual storm that you see in the movies about the end of the world. Anyways. I had my chapters ready, my phone was plugged in, and SADLY it got shot. So what that means is my phone was unresponsive until I took it to my dude, Duncan, who fixed it up for me and told me that my things should be where I left them. Oh joy. WRONG MF. Most of my pictures are gone, the chapters are gone, apps, AND EVEN. some of my posts from Instagram. So yeah. That's my excuse for now. Uhm.... Mhm. I'll get back on that. Uhhhhhh I forgot what I typed and wrote. So like. Actually fuck me. OKAY. Goodbye now.

Ily. <3

THOM {Joji Miller x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now