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Max's house
6000 (I think that's the area/zip)
     I woke up the next morning in Jojis arms. I didn't move but I directed my eyes to his face and saw he was awake. He softly started to comb his fingers through my hair, inhaling deeply through his nose and letting out a soft hum with a smile afterwards. "Stop smelling my hair idiot." He got startled and looked down at me. "How long have you been awake?" I picked up my phone and scrolled through some texts. "Meh. About 3 minutes." I clicked on a text from an unknown/forgotten number and read. "Hey baby. I miss you. When you comin back from Australia?" I looked over at George who was trying to peak. "You can look if you want. I just don't know who this du- Oh!" George looked at your phone. "Who is he or she?" I instantly remembered the guy about 10 doors down who always wanted to hook up with me. "There was this guy named Brian. He would always try to get my number but I would never let him have it. He tried so hard to get a date with me but I always rejected him..." I paused for a second. "How does he know I'm in Australia?" George sat up and looked around, then out the windows. "Babe stop being paranoid. I'm sure the cunt is just guessing or overheard our conversation." He sat down beside me. "I don't know... I wanna keep you safe. I'd do anything to protect you. Hell, honestly I'd take a bullet for you." I kissed his cheek. "We've been together for literally like...10 hours. Calm down." He just chuckled and nodded. "Hey. I'm going out with the guys tonight. We haven't partied since I met you when I was drunk. Anyways, you wanna go?" I leaned up and pecked his lips. "Nah. You go out with them. Just call it a boys night. I'll be here when you get back." He nodded again. "Okay. Only if you're sure."
"I'm sure."


Ian, George, Max, Chad, and HTB had already left, leaving me home alone. I laid on the bed and stared out of the window at the moon. I picked my phone up and checked Instagram only to see... that I had gained 8k in the last few hours! I furrowed my brows and accepted some. Then went outside to the porch, setting my phone at an angle, and sitting in front of it, doing a sort of meditation pose. I put the timer on and stayed still. The picture caught exactly how I wanted it to. My knees and hands were perfectly in the center. I captioned it and posted it. "Don't h8, quietly disassoci8." Within 3 minutes it had 500 likes and 357 comments. One highlighted from Joji that said "Stole my caption but I still love you. ☆♡." My heart fluttered but I soon noticed random hate comments. I ignored them and set my phone down. All of a sudden I heard a strong pound on the door like someone was trying to get in. I got up and locked the door, then ran to the restroom and crawled in the cabinets under the sink, being little enough. I dialed Joji immediately and luckily he picked up.


"Hey baby. You okay? You're breathing a little heavy."

"There's someone here. They're trying to get in George. Please. Help me. If you can't, I just wanna let you know I love you so much." You whispered.

"Y/n call the police. I'm jackin Max's car and going to the house. Stay where ever you are. I love you."

"Please hurry. I love you too." You silently spoke as tears rolled down your cheeks.

You dialed the number and your call immediately got picked up.

"Perth police, what's your emergency?"

"Yes. Hello, there are people in my house. I'm in the bathroom sink cabinet. My boyfriend is on the way. Just please hurry."

"Yes ma'am. And what is your address?"

"Uhm. Lexington dr. It's uh. I-in the large neighborhood. House 964."

"We're sending police over. Stay under the sink until we get there." They hung up.

The knocking and banging stopped. I heard the glass shatter and loud booming voices. I started to cry again. They neared the restroom, trying to get the bedroom door unlocked. All I could do now was quietly say my goodbyes. 'Ian you're so sweet and kind. You tease me a lot for being short but I love it. Max, you call me cunt or whore on the daily basis but deep down I know you're just messing with me. Chad, I wouldn't have sex with you if you were the last man on earth but you're a big bear and you're not afraid to get your hands dirty to protect me. HTB, you almost killed my boyfriend with a cake ring but I for- '

"Police! Put your hands on your head and get down on your knees now!" I heard their voices. Then a deep voice as someone unlocked the door. "Ma'am. Are you in here? I'm not gonna hurt you. My name is Officer James Horton. Im here to help you." I slowly peaked my head out. A breath of relief escaped my mouth and I got out and hugged him. "Thank you so much." He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me. "Here. We'll go wait outside. It's sorta chilly." My knees wobbled a bit so he picked me up bridal style and carried me out. I saw Max's car pull up and George run out and shove through the crowd of people who were talking amongst themselves. "Y/n! You're okay!" I laughed a bit as the officer set me down. He ran at me full speed and embraced me into his warm hug. He pulled back after about two minutes and looked into my eyes as he cried. "Baby I thought I was gonna lose you. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I should've never left you." I started crying as well, hearing his shaky voice. "No George. Don't blame yourself. It's nobody's fault. I don't even know who the crooks are. I wonder why they were targeting this house th-" I couldn't believe what I had just seen. I paused and stared. "George. It's him...It's Brian." Officer Horton came up to me and saw the look on my face. "Do you know who's man?" I slowly nodded, still in shock. "Who is he?" George rubbed my back for support. "His name is Brian Calver. He live some doors down from my apartment back in Brooklyn. He tried to get to me for 5 years. He would bring me flowers, chocolates, drinks, foods... anything to have a chance." James looked down at you as he stopped writing. "So basically a kiss ass, horny bastard, thirsty dickhead." George scream laughed behind me, causing me to jump and start laughing as well. "Yeah. Kinda." James flashed his beautiful white teeth and nodded. "Alright. Well. He's honestly facing 40 to life in prison. My buddy just told me he's been wanted for sexual assault, child abuse, animal cruelty, theft, and police assault. The van they drove here had seven illegal weapons in it along with drugs and things that would be used for sex slaves." You widened your eyes and gulped. "Officer! Over here!" Yelled another man. James was about to leave but I immediately hugged him and thanked him again. George shook his hand and he left.


The boys arrived home later just to see the house torn up. Max called a repair man who said he'd be there in the morning. That night we stayed in a hotel several miles down. I got up and told George I was taking a shower. I slipped my clothes off and stepped in, letting the warm water flow down my back and wash away the thoughts from today. I heard the door open and I froze. "Chill it's just me. I need take a piss." I frowned and spoke angrily. "George get out. Wait. Actually don't. I need you to wash a spot on my back that I can't reach." He pulled up his sweatpants, then peaked inside. I handed him the luffa and he reached in, trying to wash my back. "Get closer I can't reach." I rolled my eyes. "I can't. There's a bunch of things in the way." He handed back the luffa and stripped, stepping in with me. I covered my eyes and blushed. "Who told you, you could join my party?" He chuckled. "Meh. Self invite. Also I stink pretty bad so..." He took the luffa and rubbed circles on my back softly, then started to wash himself. I moved aside for him to get his soap and admired his body. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." I leaned in. "Hilarious and original." He through his head back and laughed loudly. I giggled and kissed his lips. "You're adorable." He picked up my shampoo and poured it in my hair, swishing it around and washing it for me, occasionally stopping to massage my scalp. He pushed his body against mine, holding me from my waist. "Whoa. Hey baby. We're trying to get clean. Not be dirty." He rolled his eyes. "What a boner killer!"
This was supposed to be uploaded yesterday. But I got caught in a pool of my own self pity, and a Skype call with someone. ( 'Д')y~~
Word Count<>1595

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