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After me and George were done doing our private business, we turned the player off and put on our clothes. Upon walking out, we heard quiet munching. We both popped our heads around the corner and saw Max, Ian, and Chad eating cereal. Max just shrugged his eyebrows and did a creepy little smile. Ian chuckled and Chad opened his big mouth. "So y'all two fucked?"

"I thought you left!" George groaned, then looked at me as I frowned and tapped my foot. "Baby I thought they left!"

"Did you get a good nut?" Ian blurted as Max giggled.

I grumbled and went upstairs, leaving the scene. George put his index and thumb finger together and dragged them across his lips, then ran after me. He caught up and grabbed me. "Babe. I swear I didn't know. I thought they all went out." His arms wrapped around me in a sincere hug and it's hard to stay mad at him. I hugged back and nuzzled into his chest. He held me tighter, then slowly backed up until We reached the bed. He laid me down and covered me without saying a word, then took out his computer and didn't leave my side. But instead opened his music tab and tried to make a new beat. But he gave up and placed it aside after about an hour. He wrapped his arms around me and breathed softly against my neck, then nibbled it gently. I chuckled quietly and turned around cupping his face and kissing him deeply. After about a 30 minute make out session he looked down at me and smiled as he showed off his cute rosey cheeks. "Does that mean you forgive me?" I smiled and combed my fingers through his hair. "I shouldn't have gotten mad in the first place. You didn't know that they were still here. I'm mostly mad that the cunts need to ask questions." He giggled adorably and squeezed me to show affection. "Would it be okay if I went out baby girl? I have some guys from 88rising who wanna meet to talk about a colab." I looked at him and tilted my head and smiled sarcastically. "You don't have to ask me that. Of course it's okay. Are the guys gonna stay here or leave?" George sat up and opened his laptop. "My parents are driving somewhere because they want to I guess and Max, Ian, and Chad are going to Pokémon shops around town. They said they would probably get wasted and come home at 11pm. I'll try to be back by then I promise." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I smiled as he packed up his computer, MIDI, and other tech supplies. I walked with him to the door, turned him around and kissed his lips, whispering a small good luck. He smiled and got in a black car, starting it up, and leaving down the road. I sat on the couch and wondered what to do while I was alone for a while, then the guys said bye to me and walked out. I remembered Asami told me about George's old piano and drumpad in a storage room downstairs. I walked down and opened the room, making my way through the boxes to the one chest that had "George Miller" on it. I opened it and took out the drumpad along with the cords and plugged it into my laptop. I played a couple of beats, put them into the computer, then played a tune on the piano. I thought of words for about 30 minutes, then finally came up with "lonely, but not when you hold me. Your beauty weighs on me... this feeling's too good." I sung that into a small mic and made the audio fuzzy. I played it back and nodded as I added Navi saying "hey, listen." It was good for not making music in forever. The tune on the piano was put into the computer as well. Then I mixed it all up. I added a few more little details and put it in a flash.


I waited on the bed forever. The guys walked in, wasted like George said. I waited about two hours before finally hearing the door open. He opened the door and I sat in bed, furiously. He reached his hand out and touched my shoulder. "Baby. I'm sorry." I swat his hand off and grumbled. "Princess... don't be mad at me. Just uh... close your eyes." I sighed and closed my eyes. I heard a couple of bags rustle, then a box. I kept my eyes closed until he said to open them. Finally he gave me permission and I slowly opened my eyes. In front of me laid several bags all from different stores including: Victoria's Secret, Zumiez, Vans, PINK, Apple, and Urban Outfitters. George crawled on the bed with me and smiled. "One more thing." He took a box from his back pocket and opened it to reveal a necklace with a locket on it. He opened it to show a picture of me and him on the pier. Gently, he picked up the necklace and put it around my neck, clasping the links together and smiling. "Babe... I didn't know you were doing this... I got mad and worried." He leaned forward and hugged my tightly. "I would never lie to you, cheat on you, or just get up and abandon you. I guess this should be our half a year anniversary. I didn't know if you would do anything so I did something just to surprise you. Now, open your bags princess." I took the one from Zumiez and took the things out, getting several croptops, Rip n Dip shirts, and shirts with aliens on them. Then I opened the VS bags and took out some lingerie and swimsuits from PINK. The Apple bag was pretty heavy so I gently set it down and reached my hand in, only to pull out a Mac. I looked up at George who was smiling. "Babe no. You didn't have to buy me all of this. A gumball would've been perfect." He wiped a couple of tears from my face and smiled. "You don't deserve this, you deserve the world." I smiled and blushed as he kissed my lips, then lifted the Vans bag to me. "Cmon. These match mine." I pulled out the shoe box and took out the grey vans like the ones he wears when he's to lazy to wear anything else. I smiled and grabbed the last bag. I opened it and saw a small globe, the size of my hand. George put his arm around my and kissed my temple. "Told you, you deserve the world." I squeed with happiness and threw my arms around him, knocking him down. "I can't even explain how much I love you. Oh and, I made this for you today. I didn't know you were gonna get me gifts so yeah..." I hesitated on handing the small flash drive over, but finally let him take it. He took his laptop out and plugged it in, opening the file and clicking it twice. The tune began, causing him to smile.

"You made this?" He raised an eyebrow, gesturing at the screen.

"Yeah. You like it?"

"No... I love it." He smiled and pushed the computer aside, flipping over on top of me. "And I love you too." He kissed around my face repeatedly as I giggled quietly.

"I love you too George."

He rested his hips between my legs and put his head on my chest, smiling. Soon, all I heard were tiny snores.
Word Count<>1285

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