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Y/ns apartment
Jojis pov
I woke up to the sound of giggling from the living room. It sounded like y/n but I wasn't too sure because the wall was pretty thick. I got up and put on a shirt, then went to the living room, seeing y/n, Ian, and Max all naked and on top of each other. I instantly started crying as she looked at me laughing and speaking while moaning.

"You really think I'd love you?"

"Y/n... why?..."

"Because you're pathetic!" She yelled. She got off of them and walked over to me and started laughing again. "You gonna cry George?"

I didn't answer but just stared at her, heartbroken, and more depressed then ever.

"George!? George!"

I jolted up and saw y/n latched onto my shoulders.

"What happened? Why're you crying?"

"I th-thought I was pathetic... you said it yourself y/n. You're right."

"Babe! Why would I ever say that? You're the most beautiful man I've ever  seen. You treat me right and I never wanna let you go. I wanna spend my life with you, you think I'd call you pathetic?"

"What about Max and Ian. I'm sure they fuck better than me."

"What?! Look," she grabbed me by both sides of my head and looked me in the eyes. "That dream wasn't real. I would never have sex with someone behind your back. I'm loyal and trusting. And trust me when I say, no one fucks better than you."

"I-i Love you y/n."

"I love you too George. I'm gonna bring my computer and shit to the bedroom so you can rest again."

     She walked out and only a few minutes later, came back in, setting her computer and books down. She sighed, then set them on the floor and crawled into bed next to me, opening her arms. I slowly scoot between them and buried my face into her neck, sniffling. She rubbed my back up and down and cooed a soft lullaby into my ear. Somehow, It calmed me and I felt the stress leave my body. I wasn't a child but hey, if this shit works, I want her to do it all the time.
     I woke up and saw y/n beside me, face smooshed against the pillow and her lips puckered adorably. I combed my fingers through her hair and her beautiful e/c eyes fluttered open.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty."

"Shut up."

"Nah. I'd rather continue to annoy you."

"Mmmm." Was all I got from her.

"Wanna go to Japan? Spend Halloween there?"


"Yeah baby girl. Let's get our things together. I'll get the first flight over there."

She smiled and got out of bed, picking up things and throwing them into her bag, then grabbing a separate bag for her school things. I got up lazily and threw my things in as well as soon as I got a plane ticket for 1:25. I had a friend who had kinex with a private jet so i got that. It was about 1:15 when we finished packing. Max and Ian overheard out conversation and invited themselves along. Y/n couldn't say no so now we have these kids to drag around with us. We ran out of the door and went downstairs, hopping in the car and speeding to the airport. We got there at 1:25 exactly. We got on the plane and relaxed as I wiped the sweat from my head. Me and y/n instantly laid down and passed out, holding each others hand.

The major turbulence woke me, y/n, and Ian. Max was out like a rock. I reached across y/n and opened the window flap to see we were flying through another storm. She gripped onto my bicep and looked out as the lightning flashed, lighting up her face and eyes. I closed the window and we laid back, looking at the flat screen tv on the wall. I looked around and saw we were the only ones in the first class section of the plane so i went over anf turned it on. Hangover was playing.

"Babe, wanna watch this?"

"Sure." Ian answered, making y/n giggle lightly.

"What the fuck Ian, cunt! Cheating on me?!" Boomed Max's aussie accent from the dark seat beside Ian. Y/n laughed harder, making me smile.

"Yeah, we can watch it." She finally answered.

I sat on the floor and yawned, then saw y/n get up and make her way over to me. She laid on the floor and put her head in my lap.

We got off of the plane and stretched, then walked through the airport to get to the rental cars. Y/n got a Audi from the website and it was beautiful, though she looked even more beautiful in it. We put our luggage in the trunk and she started it up, waiting for us to get in. Max and Ian got in the back and i was in the passenger seat. We all buckled and she sped off, putting my address into the GPS. About 45 minutes passed and we pulled up, hopping out. My Mother and Father were sitting outside eating some bagels, sipping tea, and reading books and a paper. They instantly got up with excitement, seeing y/n get out of the car. They completely ignored me, Max, and Ian but I didn't really care. As I walked around the car I heard my mom ask y/n if she was "expecting" yet. I softly flicked her shoulder.

"Ma! Me and y/n aren't even married yet. Calm down." She looked at me and spoke in Japanese, making y/n look confused.

"You need to marry her. Tonight."

"Tonight?!" I spoke back. "I don't even have a ring!"

"I have some that you can have!"

"Fine. Ma. Just... don't say anything else about having a baby. Neither of us are ready for that."

"She is. You're not. You still have issues!"

"Mother! I do not have issues." She simply shrugged with a sly smirk on her face, then spoke in English again, leading y/n into the house.
     SORRY! My grandparents are over for a week and they're super active. So I have to drive them to the store and everything. My grandpa is super chill and just wants to stay inside, like me but nooo grandma wants to go places. So yeah. I might put out another chapter tomorrow if I'm home. (Planning on driving them to the mall about 8-9 towns away tomorrow. So 3 hours. Ily bye!  Also the story may be coming to an end. I just wanna write a second one already. Different plot and stuff. So tell me if you want me to do a sequel maybe later on. <3
Word Count<>1144

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