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I felt a whisper against my ear. "Wake up baby. Cmon. I have some manly needs that need tending to." I smiled and flipped over with my eyes closed, only to feel a hairy chest. I opened my eyes and screamed, seeing Chad, then Ian filming and max standing on the ledge of the window. "How the hell did you all get in here! Where's George?! What'd you do with my boyfriend?!" Ian came up beside you and hugged you. "Calm down. George is getting some breakfast for us. He wanted you to feel safe so he invited us in here, knowing we'd mess with you." I groaned loudly and looked at Chad. "Get this fag off of my bed." Chad got up and put his shirt on, sitting on the recliner in the corner. I looked over at Max as he stared down. I walked over and whispered into his ear. "You can jump you know." He got startled and grabbed me, putting me in a headlock. "Max!" I heard George as he opened the door. Max looked down and let go of me, acting like he didn't do anything. George grabbed me and fixed my hair. "Go get dressed so we can get back to the house. Tomorrow we have a flight to catch. L.A. Baby." I raised my brows and walked to the restroom, grabbing clothes on the way. 'Why is he taking me to LA?'


We arrived back at Max's about 4 hours later because he found a new Pokémon shop and had to stop. I still complained. "I wanted time to spend with all of you. This is bullshit." Max looked back at me. "Y/n. This is called content. Something you know nothing about." I grumbled. "Actually. I made this song on college. I just took it down because I hated it. It got several million views. Definitely more than PewDiePie."

They looked like they were all in a trance. When the song finished George looked at me. "Holy shit I love you." He picked me up and spun me around, then kissed me roughly. Ian made himself gag while Max just covered his eyes. Chad stared. 'Creep.' George pulled away and smiled, looking directly into my eyes. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Cmon I gotta show you something." He walked down the hall to his room. Max opened his big mouth. "Aw boys! George is gonna get some!" They all chanted and George chuckled. He went into the room and closed the door behind us. He laid me in bed and took out his laptop. "My new song was published not too long ago. It's called "Don't Rain on Me." I raised your brow at the sound of it. "Hm. Unique name. But it's your music so that's understandable." He opened up an app. "I haven't uploaded it to SoundCloud but I will in a couple of hours.
     The sound of rain filled my ears for about two seconds, then a slow beat started. It cut off twice, then I heard soft 'ooohs' and a piano tune. All beats cut off, leaving the rain patters.
     "Don't. Rain. On. Me.~" The beat started up once again, making me blush at the sound of his voice. It repeated again. The best stopped again, but started up with his singing. "Why you gotta act so nice? This ain't televised, this ain't televised, this ain't televised. Moving at the speed of light and I'm terrified. Yeah I'm terrified. So please for the love of God, don't drench me." The beat cut off again and started after. "Me.... Don't. Rain. On. Me." A softer pitched tone of his voice made way into the background of his verse. "Don't rain on me. Don't rain on me." Once again, it stopped. "Don't rain on me. Don't rain on me." A different beat started and he pulled me onto him as it kept playing. He looked directly in my eyes and smiled. "Woo. I'm in love... Woo... I just can't get enough."
(If you wanna listen while imagining.)

He kissed me softly and smiled wider. I dug my face into his neck, smiling and blushing. "You made this song for me?" He chuckled. "Yeah. You like it?" I sat up and rolled off of him, getting on my phone. "I think it's shit." He stared at me, scared until I cracked a smile. "I'm kidding baby. I love it." He let out a breath of relief and rubbed his eyes. "I have tears in my eyes." I kissed his cheek and smiled. "I know. You act tough on the outside but inside, I know you're a soft boy." He turned and kissed my lips. "Yeah."


I woke up in the morning and saw George brushing his teeth with his eyes closed. I slowly went over and wrapped my arms around his bare body. "Morning babe." He said, then spit out the toothpaste. He rinsed his brush, then his mouth. "Have you packed already?" He nodded. "Yeah I left your clothes on the edge of the bed." I walked over and stripped, then put on the right white crop top and the black overalled skirt he picked out. He smiled as he leaned against the doorframe. I strapped on the black army boots and looked at him. "Wow. I actually like this." He walked over and kissed my forehead. "Good. Now let's get going. Gotta say bye to the guys, then take a taxi to the airport."


After the longest flight of my entire life we were in an Uber going to Ian's house. "Ian said we could stay there as long as we don't have sex and we don't get into his things." I nodded and kept typing on my phone. "Who're you texting?" I looked up. "My sister. Why?" He stared at me. "Fine. Here. You can look at my texts. Just don't go into any other apps." He took my phone from my hands and scrolled. He kept it for about 10 minutes until I got bored and looked over and saw his phone was lighting up with texts from me. I grabbed my phone from his hands and noticed he had been sending himself the pictures I had of myself. "George what the hell!" He giggled and grabbed his phone, shoving it into his pants. "You're not getting it." I rolled my eyes and gave up, looking away. Finally, we pulled up to Ian's house, paid, and got out, grabbing our things. "Why're we here anyways?" He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I have friends I want you to meet." He walked inside, me following close behind.
So like... His new song. What'd you think about it? Better yet, what'd you think about "Don't Rain on Me" and "Falcon Punch"? I thought they were both good honestly. A lot of people were complaining about Falcon Punch because they thought it was gonna be an actual video. But like... Yo, he's busy. He also has a life aside from YouTube. He's not gonna slave away for the teens who watch his vids. Chill.
Also, the "ooh I'm in love" and "I just can't get enough". Makes me think. Like does he finally have a girlfriend? Because if so, I really wanna see her. I'm not gonna be one of those people who hate on her like all the other 12 year olds who have no chance do. What do y'all think about that too? Leave it in the comments. I like to read them.
Word Count<>1265

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