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     I woke up to distant yelling and slaps going around, kinda like high fives or pats on the back. I got up and looked down to see myself in a bra and underwear. I slipped on George's Harvard hoodie and walked out of the room to see some guys. I walked up behind George and smiled. "Ah. Hey guys, this is y/n." A dude with two braids on the sides walked towards me. He had glasses on and a shiny gold grill in his mouth. "Hey. I'm Austin. But you might know me as Post Malone." You gasped and jumped up. "Oh my god! I love your music so much." You wrapped your arms around him and he embraced you in a huge bear hug. George chuckled nervously and two guys walked up. One saying "Suh" and the other saying something like "sauce". George put out his hand, gesturing at the two dudes. "This is Nick Colletti and That's Getter. Or Tanner Petulla." You shook Tanners hand and smiled, then took Nicks. He hugged you and smiled. "I'm more of a hugger than a hand shaker." I giggled and hugged back. "What the hell dude. No hug for me?" Tanner held his arms out. I walked over and hugged him tightly. George must've saw my underwear because he grabbed the collar of my shirt and whispered. "Go put some shorts on." I skipped off to the room and slipped on some boxer like shorts, then grabbed my phone. I walked out. "Expecting a call sooner or later." They nodded, then another Asian hopped from the counter and walked over shaking my hand. "Hey I'm Brian." You stared, getting flashbacks of the Brian who lived downstairs. George smiled and pat my back. "Call him Imanuel if you're uncomfortable." You nodded and smiled.


George was putting on some clothes as I laid in the bed with black lingerie underwear and bra. I flipped onto my stomach and dangled my feet off the bed. I felt two warm hands grab my ankles and pull me back. My hips ended up against his. I cleared my throat and looked back. "Whatya doin there babe?" He just smirked and laid his warm body on my back, kissing my lips softly. We made out for a good 15 minutes before I heard some honks from outside. I threw on some sweatpants and a black cropped top and grabbed my phone, then followed George to Austins limo. Upon arriving, a man stepped out and opened the door for me. "M'lady." He helped me in and George scoffed. "British twat." I hit his arm as Austin chuckled. He reached over me and grabbed a bottle of vodka, drinking it from the bottle. "So where we goin?" Austin looked up from his phone. "We're taking the limo to a party bus. Full of strippers, rappers, drinks, and possible killers." I giggled. George put the vodka between his thighs. "Is TerrorReid the killer? Dumb cunt." I raised my eyebrow. "Who's TerrorReid?" Austin laughed and switched seats, sitting beside me and draping his arm over my shoulders. "Don't worry dude. It's just Tanners alter ego." You laughed nervously as you watched as George's face went from happy, to angry, to sad.


We got to the bus and they we readying it. I went up to George, who was sitting on some steps to an apartment complex. "What happened in the car?" He looked up at me with his puffy eyes. "Austin, Tanner, Nick, Brian... all of them have more money than me and they all find you super attractive. I keep thinking, maybe it's better to let you go with them. I'm nothing." He looked back down. I crouched in front of him and picked his head up. "Babe... I don't want them, I want you." I kissed him deeply and he kissed back the same way, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me to him. We broke the kiss and he rested his forehead on mine, smiling. "Hey faggots! Break it up and get in the bus!" George grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bus. We climbed in and looked around at the neon lights, drinks, bags of weed, and stripper poles. To the end of the hallway was a bedroom. "Damn." I mumbled. George pulled me to a seat in the corner and sat with me in his lap. The driver soon picked up the strippers, then two people that George introduced to me as "Ethan and Hila." "Babe. Can you go put my bag in the room please?" George handed me his backpack and I took it to the room, setting it on the bed. Hila followed me in, setting two bags down. "George's computer?" I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. You?"

She giggled. "Me and Ethan are getting ready for a video tomorrow. Just recording equipment, extra clothes, and my laptop.

"Awh yeah. You all are those H3H3 guys, yes?"

"Yeah. What'd think of our videos?

"You're very quiet. But yet you're talkative right now."

"I like to make friends so I talk to them and maybe ask if they wanna be on videos later on."

"That's sick. So what kind of video are you doing tomorrow?"

"Austin is gonna come in. Kinda like a podcast. Sadly, Nick and Tanner have to go home tomorrow. Tell George you two are invited."
I nodded and she walked off, leaving me alone. I picked up George's computer and logged in, entering his SoundCloud and laying back. I wanted a little time to myself before things got loud and crazy. Too late. EDM and techno music was playing outside the door. I walked out to see George taking a sip of his beer and not even looking up at the strippers, but looking at his phone and talking to Ethan beside him. I sat in his lap and wiggled myself until I was comfortable. He lightly kissed my shoulder and continued talking. Later, things got out of hand.
Oi. I hate my life. Bye.
Word Count<>1013

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