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I groaned as I woke up. The light hurt my eyes and my headache was beyond painful. George heard my groaning and came into the room with coffee, an omelette, bacon, two advils, and a glass of (orange juice)(apple juice)(water).((pick)) "You drank so much last night..." He mumbled. I nodded softly as I ate the eggs first. "Hell, I feel like shit. And thank you for breakfast." I took the pills and started eating again. Soon, I finished and yawned. George had been massaging my head, back, and shoulders. "You're such a good boyfriend." He smiled and blushed. "That's the first time I've ever heard that." I smiled and leaned back into his embrace. "Hila invited us to the podcast they're doing with Austin. You down?" He nodded and we both got up to get changed.


We walked into the studio and saw Austin coming from the restroom. "Awh hey dude. Hey babycakes." He hugged Joji and I. "Did you just call my girlfriend babycakes? Post up Austin." He laughed and lead us to the recording room. We walked in and saw Ethan. "Look who the fucks heeeeere!" They all shouted a round of "Ayes" while Hila clapped and giggled in the background. I sat off camera next to George and listened to whatever they were saying. George got tossed a pack of cigarettes and he took three out, giving one to me and putting the other one between his lips, and the last on his knee. A lighter was tossed at him afterwards so he grabbed it and lit it, then pulled me over and lit mine too. I was only about half done with the cigarette when I burnt it out on the tray next to us. George handed me the end of his and I did the same. He laid back onto my thighs and stared at me. I looked down and stared back at him, but I covered his eyes and whispered, "creep." He softly giggled. "You like it." I smiled. "I do." He blushed a little bit and moved some hair from my face, softly touching my cheek as I leaned into his palm. "Can you say that in about 3 years?" I blushed deeply and buried my face in my hands. "What're you guys talkin about over here?" Ethan turned around. George sat up and wrapped his arm around me. "Nothin. Why?" Austin laughed in the background. "We watched you two stare at each other for about seven minutes already. And then it broke when you started blushing and covered your face." I rolled my eyes, getting a headache again. "We were just havin a little chat. Ethan nodded and asked George if he wanted to come up and say something. So he went and sat at the table, leaving me on the couch. "I'm gonna go take a nap in the control room." Ethan nodded. "Sleep well cupcake." Austin shouted, making everyone except George laugh. I laid on the soft leather couch and the guy recording gave me his sweater. I thanked him and fell asleep almost instantly.


A few hours later I woke up in a different house, and in a different bed. I sat up quickly and noticed I was only in a bra and underwear. I saw someone pass the door, then step back. I was terrified to look at who it was. "Hey cupcake." I heard Austin's voice. I shot up and looked at him. 'Please tell me this is a dream.' He chuckled and George walked up behind him, causing me to sigh with relief. He walked in and shut the door behind him, taking off his shirt and pants, and crawling in bed with me. "He said we could stay here for the night since it was a long drive home." I nodded and understood but had to pop a question. "And can you tell me why I'm half naked?" He giggled. "For some reason you decided you could walk on your own. Then you sat down in a puddle and we lost you. So you were just splashing around and when we found you, you were muddy, smelly, and just straight up FILTHY." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Learned how to be filthy from those cake videos. Now, how come I don't stink anymore?" George blushed and looked me up and down. "Because I bathed you." I laughed loudly and curled up with him. "Such a sweet boyfriend." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "That's the second time you've said that today." I smiled quietly saying, "because it's true." He pulled me onto his chest and stared. He would comb his fingers through my hair, admiring every strand. Then touching my cheeks with his thumbs, smiling softly. I leaned down and pecked his lips, pulling him from the trance he was in. He immediately blurted after parting lips. "I want you to meet my parents." I was taken back by the sudden comment but nodded my head softly. "Alright. I'd love to. So back to Brooklyn?" He nodded yes, then no. "Well. We have to go back to Brooklyn to pack. Then we have to board a plane." I tilted my head to the side a bit. "What?" He sat up, still holding me. He nibbled my earlobe. "Get ready to go to Japan baby." I sat there, shocked. 'Wow. Japan.' He waved his hand in front of my face. "Yoo-hoo?" I shook my head a bit. "Hm. Oh. Yeah. Is it just me and you going or is someone else coming with?" He smirked.
"We'll see."
So I was gonna do one yesterday, then the day before. Because I got a comment saying "moreee" and I was like "okay I'll do it. Whatever."
~two hours later~
Im still clueless on what to write so I just gave up and watched old vids from the DizastaMusic channel. Because those were the times when George was a small pimple faced cutie. Also I mostly stopped using Joji because it's my dogs name.
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So yeah. I like to read over my own story sometimes like an idiot. But I read Joji and I'm like "I'm in a relationship with a dog."
Anyways! Thanks for reading. Means a lot. Love you. Bye.~
Word Count<>1056

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