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George's apartment
     I woke to a loud thump on the bed. I looked up to see my suitcase and George peering down at me. "Oops... did I wake you?" He tried to sound innocent. Groaning, I sat up and checked the time. "What're we doing up at 5am? I looked over at him. "Get dressed. I packed your bags. We're going somewhere." I put on some sweatpants and his Harvard hoodie, then went to the living room, seeing the four guys with their suitcases as well. George passed and kissed me cheek, then walked out of the door. I followed and went downstairs, then got in an uber. Soon, we were at the airport. I was still clueless as to what was happening and why it was. As soon as our flight got called, we boarded the plane and waited. The intercom came on. "Hello passengers, please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a long trip to Australia. I looked at George. "Wait what?!" He already had his headphones in but he was smiling. I grabbed a small pillow and laid it under my head, looking out the window and putting in my headphone, putting Jojis music on.


The plane shook as it landed, waking me up. I looked over at George who was already getting our bags. "Cmon babe. You're gonna have some serious Jetlag. We'll rest at Max's house." We took two separate Ubers and drove. It was about 45 minutes later that we arrived. I got out and looked at the house, then went in. George took my bags and tossed them in our room, then went to the living room and sat down. Soon, the others joined us. "Alright cunts. We're making a video. It's cloudy outside and windy meaning it's perfect. While I was gone, I had an old pal come over there and lay out the tarp. The tarp will be covered in 50 bottles of dish wash, some oil, and sprayed with a tiny bit of water. Now cmon." Max walked out the back door. We all followed. "Guess that means no nap time." Mumbled George. We all took off our shoes and started spraying it down, then mixing it with a mop. Me and HTB prepared while the guys went to get dressed and record the intro. "Y/n! We need you to roll the camera! Come here!" I got off the tarp and trotted inside, seeing them in suits. George looked super hot. Pushing the record button, I held the camera steady. George put on his glasses and cleared his throat.

(I'm just gonna write out their lines)

George: "Theres nothin like some good wine."

Ian: "Awh. Nothin like it."

I hopped to the other side.

George: "And when Donald Trump, bless his heart, said 'build the wall'. Build - the - wall. Three words that changed my entire life. If you don't like them. Keep them out. When mosquitos come into your house, what do ya do? You either kill them, or put up nets."

Ian: "Kill em I say."

George: "Kill em I say, that's what I say too!" They clinked glasses. "If you clicked on this video, then I know why you're here. You all want to be gentlemen.

Ian: Ian burped loudly. "Pardon me..."

George: "Gentleman." He pointed. "Money, power, prestige, women. But not in our club. If you want to be a gentleman, you must follow these steps... Gentlemen, always pay the bill. You never split it. You must always, pay the bill."

We walked outside and put a bill on a chair, near the other side of the tarp so the guys would race for it. They slipped around and fell on their asses as we all laughed in the background and threw fruit.


Towards the end of the challenge someone decided to throw a John Cena action figure and George. It kicked him in the balls. Once I heard his groan of pain I ran over. But I had forgotten all about the rat traps, broken glass, and the slippery ground. I stepped into a trap, causing it to close on my foot, then jumped in pain and slipped on the tarp. A shard of glass went straight into my forearm. I took it out and continued on to him. "Are you okay?" He giggled and looked up, but his face immediately fell upon seeing my arm and the blood dripping from it. He sat up and grabbed it. "Jesus y/n! What the hell happened? Why would you run over here?!" He got up and carried me across the tarp, and into the house, going straight to the restroom. "Bandaids bandaids bandaids." He rummaged through the drawers. "George." I mumbled. He picked me up and rushed me to the guest bedroom and the bathroom in there. He set me down on the counter and started tearing up the drawers and cabinets mumbling about bandages. "Cmon. You gotta have something." He panicked more. "George..." I mumbled again. He picked me up again and ran to Max's restroom, setting me on the lid of the toilet and grumbling as he looked for bandaids. "Max you useless cunt! I swear I'm gonna hurt you!" He started to storm out but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back in. "George Miller! I'm fine!" He looked at me and pointed. "Y/n, you have a gash on your arm! I just wanna protect you and take care of you when you're hurting or injured! Max doesn't have shit in this house and it's pissing. Me. O-" I grabbed him and slammed my lips to his, then pulled back. "George you gotta learn when to shut up. I have some wrap in my bag. I've been trying to tell you but you wouldn't listen to me." He looked down at me as he blushed and wiped the beads of sweat from his hairline and neck. "I'm sorry. I overreact sometimes. My mother always told me to treat a woman right if I really wanted her." He slid against the wall and sat on the floor. "And I really wanted you." I squat down and lifted his chin with my finger. "George. You could've just asked me. It would've been an easy yes." He lunged his filthy egg covered body on me and hugged me tightly. "I love you y/n." I hugged him back. "I love you too George." He picked up his head and looked me in the eyes. "Will you be my... uh..." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Dammit George. Yes. I will be your girlfriend." He sat up and looked at me, disgusted. "That's not what I was gonna say." I stared blankly as my eyes filled with tears. "Ahhhh I'm kiddin!" He hugged me again. "I've always waited to hear the words of approval from you. Never thought you would say yes to a gross dude like me who has split personalities."
I giggled and kissed his nose. "I love you for who you are. I'll love all those other fuckers too."
Ughhhhh doge needs to shut uuuup.

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