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I groaned softly and woke up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. George rolled over and grabbed my waist, trying to pull me back in.

"Please don't go."

"Babe, I'm only going to get some pills. I have a huge hangover. "

"Hurry back. I'm already cold..."

I walked to the kitchen and placed two pills each for Max and Ian when they wake up, then took two and poured two for George. I walked back into the room, closing, and locking the door, then setting down his pills and a glass of water. He sat up and took them, then laid back down. I laid with him and cuddled into his side, getting my phone from the dresser. I went into "Images" to crop some things and found some videos from last night. I tapped his arm.

"Babe, look. Videos."

"Play em. I wanna see."

I clicked one and hit the play button.

(Everyone is labeled since there's multiple people speaking.)

Max: "Cunt! Get the phone!"

Ian: "Geez stop being a bitch."

Joji: "Can you guys calm down? You two are like a married couple."

Ian: "Says you! We always have to put up with you and y/ns fights!"

Joji: "We haven't fought in like three months!"

Me: "Fuck. I'm high as hell, whats going on?"

Joji: "Babe, you're both drunk and high."

Me: "Why don't you get high too?"

Joji: "I should." Joji grabbed the blunt from my hand and took several long drags, slightly giggling after he was done.

     The video finished and George grabbed my phone going to the next one.

Max: "Get the camera! Get the camera!"

Ian: "I got it. Okay y/n do it!"

Me: "Baby, do it for me." Joji took the thread from my hand and started tying it around my hardened nipple, causing me to giggle.

Max: "Oh my god its working!"

Ian: "What the hell! I didn't think it would work."

Joji: "This is the hottest thing I've ever seen."

George rolled over and looked at me after the video was over.

"Well that was... Hot. And weird that the guys were watching. I mean I'm mad that I wasn't in the right state of mind to protect you."

"It's fine. It was my choice to make and I kinda made the worst one."

"I know. But i could've stopped you. What if it's up on social media?!"

"I doubt any of us put it up." I closed the app and went into instagram, seeing Max had a story. I clicked it and it showed a picture of George tying the thread around my nipple while I was both, laughing, and holding a blunt in my hand.

"Fuck this." He got up and walked to the door.

"No! Just... sit down. Please."

"Y/n there's probably so many screenshots of that on the internet now!"

"I don't care."

"Well I do! You're my wife! I mean... Girlfriend." He started blushing.

"Awh! You're blushing because you accidentally called me your wife!"

"Shut uuuup!"

"Make meeee." I mocked him.

"You asked for it." He climbed on the bed and kissed me deeply, smiling into the kiss, then pulling away after about two minutes.

"Well. That's one way." I giggled.

"I'm gonna go to the store. K?"


"Does my princess need anything?"

"Nah. Ooh wait... new headphones? Mine busted."

"Yeah. I'll see you in about an hour or two. I love you!" He said walking out of the bedroom door.

"Love you too!"

Jojis pov

It was rainy outside but i didn't feel like taking the car and wasting gas, but instead getting some cardio in. 'Wow, that sounded gay as fuck.' I continued walking until I got to Target. Walking in, I grabbed a basket and went to the back where the electronic department was for y/ns headphones. I got some bluetooth Beats that were (f/c) since I know she loves that color. I continued and went to the cereals, picking out my favorites and some I've never tried. I passed by a girl and a guy picking out baby stuff and smiling widely, then I started thinking about y/n. How her hair flowed in the wind and how it smelled after she took a shower. Her hands were soft as silk and her personality was perfect. The way she giggled when she heard jokes we made and the way she hid behind me when she was scared. She had that soft touch with the badass side who hit a guy who was 20x taller than her. How well she took me coming out and saying I had issues. She didn't care about my split personalities and call me a psycho but she hugged me and said she accepted me for who I was. She didn't find any of my videos gross but she found them slightly sexy. She always made me break character if I was doing a video and looked at her. Even if she was just smiling at me, I got a warm feeling inside. Damn I love this girl. She said she would marry me if I asked, but would she really? How would I propose to her? What would she like? I thought a bit more. I heard her and Max talking in the kitchen. She thinks I look at her with lust but little does she know, it's pure love. I don't just buy her things after sex because she did a good job, I spoil her rotten and sometimes she even gets mad. Speaking of mad, it's the cutest thing when she grumpy. It's like a hamster is yelling at me, all i do is smile because she's so damn cute. Sure, she may make me angry when she sneaks out like she did the other night, but i understand. Sometimes I just need time to my self but she could've just told me to go back to my apartment. I chuckled at the thought of her when she was acting tough but a little thunder and a power outage scared her. It's almost like I fell for her after that. Her little trembling body that I felt as she held onto me in bed. Our first cuddles. Even though we had only met two days prior to me being both, in her house, and in her bed. Then when morning came around and she saw that I still had the porn tab open and didn't really care. I still laughed at the memory. Her face when I said my own music was shit. So offended.
     A little girl bumped into my leg, causing me to snap out of my phase. I looked around and saw that somehow I ended up in the Toys section. Meh. Might as well. I browsed the aisles and grabbed some Pokémon shit for Max, then some cute little bears and those little tsumtsum things for y/n since I know she collected them. I got a only a couple of Pokémon things but I grabbed a whole shit load of stuff for y/n. God, the cashier is gonna think I'm a creep. I walked passed the clothes and something caught my eyes. It was a unicorn onesie with wings, a tail, and a hoodie with ears and a horn on it. I grabbed a pink one with a blue belly for y/n and a blue one with a pink belly for myself, then went to pay. 'Kill myself. Fuckin $279.' I grabbed the huge bags and groaned as I stepped outside, clearly forgetting that I walked. I made my journey back to the apartment.
I got in the elevator, arms weak and my blood not circulating correctly because of the heavy bags. I went up to the door and knocked with my head. I stepped in and fell. All the little tsumtsums rolled and spilled out, causing her to laugh. She quickly kneeled after and made sure I was okay, then pushed everything aside to lead me to the bedroom. I smiled and she laid me down, tucking me in, and kissing my forehead.

"Take a nap. I'm gonna go clean."

"Love you."

"Love you too." She kissed my head.
Finally sold Joji to a new owner. His name was CJ and he was the hottest dude (my age). He pulled me aside while my mom and his dad talked then asked. (Our convo)
"Hey is her name from Filthy Frank?"
"Yeah do you like it?"
"I love it. Can I have your number so I can give you updates on her?"
So yeah I got his number. And we've been talking since like 3pm.
Word Count<>1451

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