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     I got up before George and stretched. I felt a cold breeze against my body and looked down to see i was completely naked. 'I said i wasn't gonna do this. I haven't even packed.' I got out of bed and slipped some clothes on, then got my keys and went to my room. Upon walking in, I saw a note standing on the counter. "Packed your bags when you fell asleep after playtime ;)." I rolled my eyes and giggled, then went back out and into his room again. I walked in and immediately got flashed. George stood in the middle of the hall naked. "George! Go put your clothes on!" He giggled and walked up to me as i covered my eyes. "I know you like it." I started to laugh. "Babe please go put some clothes on. It smells like fishsticks in here." He scoffed. "I'm offended." He walked off and picked up some grey sweatpants, slipping them on. "Going commando huh?" He nodded. "You know it." I smiled. "Me too." He looked up and shouted. "Hell yeah! Thats my girl." We grabbed our bags after getting dressed and went out the door. "Our Uber should be here. Right about... Now." A greenish car pulled up and we got in. The drive to the airport felt long. Our driver was actually really entertaining. Dad jokes, puns, snacks, offensive jokes, And loud music. He even gave George a fidget spinner which made him laugh loudly. I rolled my eyes and told him it was stupid. The driver agreed with me. When we got to the airport the Driver, who we learned was named Andrew, told us goodbye and wished us luck. We walked in and got some coffee and donuts, then went to sit and wait. Only about 5 minutes passed before our flight name was called and we got on.


Our flight landed and we got off. Tanner and Nick were there to greet us. Nick ran up and picked me up, spinning me around. "Y/n! I missed you." I could see Tanner giving George a hug behind him. "I missed you too!" Tanner gave me a tight hug, then we went to his car, getting in. We drove for what felt like forever before we finally reached his house. We took out our things and put them in the guest bedroom upstairs, then came back down. Some dude with tattoos was making dinner. I raised my raised a brow and tapped George. He looked down at me. I gestured to the guy as if to say 'who is he'? "That's Kyle. Real cool dude. He's helped me come up with some beats before. Look him up on Instagram Its '_brthr_'." I nodded. He walked over and dragged me along with him. "Hey Kyle." He hugged him, causing him to look up and stop stirring the foods, putting the spatula down. "Aw dude hey." He smiled. George moved aside. "Hey dude, Meet my girlfriend, y/n." Kyle cleaned his hand on a nearby towel and shook my hand. "Hello miss. Pleased to meet you." He smiled, showing off his bone structure. He smelled a slight burning and turned around, seeing the vegetables burning. "Oh shit!" He turned around and stirred them. Me and George walked to where Tanner and Nick were sitting. Tanner turned to George.

"You excited about performing in front of thousands, maybe millions?"

"I don't know man. When I arrived my throat started to hurt pretty bad. I think I'm getting sick. I'm also terrified."

"Suck it up. You'll be fine."

"I just think about it. What if I mess up, don't remember the words to my own song, or just all around sound like complete dog shit."

"Dude. Just take some medicine tonight and in the morning, eat your dinner, and you'll be fine. I do it all the time and I'm good."

"Yeah Tanner, But you don't sing. When you do it's like cool rap. But my music is a lot of quiet things."

"Hm. Just come eat, then you can rest." He got up and walked to the dinner table. He grabbed about six bags of weed and put them in a cabinet. My eyes widened and he shrugged and laughed, apologizing. We sat down and Kyle set our plates down and sat with us.

It had chicken, tomato, broccoli, bell pepper, cucumber, and onion

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It had chicken, tomato, broccoli, bell pepper, cucumber, and onion. I picked up my fork and started digging in. "Damn. Kyle I gotta say. You're a really good cook." He thanked me and laughed.
     We all finished our food and put our dishes in the dishwasher. I yawned and whispered to George. "I'm tired. I'll be upstairs, probably just laying down, on the computer." He nodded and kissed my forehead. "Okay. I Love you." I smiled. "Love you too."
This was a shorter one but I'm cookin up ideas while typing. So I'll just start writing the next one now.
Word Count<>829

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