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Your pov
I rolled over in bed and looked at the time. '2pm. Fuck.' I rolled back over and softly caressed George's face and lips. He woke up and looked at me, then slowly smiled with a small wink.


"Good morning. Sleep well?"

"After all that we did, yeah."

"Did you take birth control last night? I came inside of you."

"Shit... I thought you gave it to me."

"What?" He sat up quickly.

"Hold on." I stumbled to the restroom and looked at the small tray of pills. "Okay. We're safe. I took it before."

"Fuck y/n. Don't scare me like that. I'm not ready for kids."

"Hell, neither of us are. Do you see this shit?" I gestured towards the bag of weed on the nightstand.

"I know. You know your sister asked if I got you pregnant, yeah?"

"No. When did she ask that?!"

"On a Skype call. Talked about how me and you should have kids."

"What the fuck Kam..."

"She also said we should get married."


"Would... you want to marry me?"

"Well yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because all of my issues... Multiple personalities, depression, seizures, smoking to forget... all of it."

"Babe," I straddled his lap. "I love for who you are, not what you have. I don't want the money you have or dick. It's you. I love your personalities, I'm here to cure your depression, I'm making sure you take your medicines so nothing happens, and I smoke too. I want to be here with you."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now, food?"

"Read my mind... but we should put some clothes on first."

I looked down and noticed I was naked, then blushed and ran into the restroom. I started the water and waited for it to warm, then stepped in. I heard the door open and close, then the curtains drew back and he stepped in, wrapping his arms around my waist, pushing against my back, and kissing my neck. I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his neck, letting him caress my body. He leaned into my ear and spoke in a deeper voice than normal.

"Seeing you dripping with water has me excited.~"

"Then do what you have too daddy."

He propped my foot up on a ledge of the shower and got on his knees, licking me. I bit my lip and smiled down at him. He put three fingers in, and with one rubbed me, then stood up and wrapped his arms around me again, rubbing me and grabbing my boob as he inserted himself. I closed my eyes, moaning loudly and causing him to start biting and sucking my neck.


I took a bite of the Egg biscuit and looked up at a tv playing the football game. A couple and their kids caught my eye, causing me to look at them.

"Thinking about having your own?" George mumbled, wiping his mouth with a napkin and taking a sip of water.

"No. I'm thinking about how bratty they are. That girl had six toys. Her spoiled ass got every toy on the fucking display. The mother's a hoe and the Dad's a player. He has money, impregnates the girl, spoils her and the kids, then leaves and takes the house."

THOM {Joji Miller x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now