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     I heard quiet clicking noises like a camera, causing me to open my eyes and squint. There, Asami and Hideki stood taking pictures of me and George. I poked him lightly under the covers, making him mumble something. I leaned lower towards his ear and whispered. "Your parents are taking pictures of us." He opened his eyes quickly and shot up, rushing his parents out of his room and closing the door. "God. I really gotta learn to lock it." I giggled softly and pulled the blankets over my chest. He climbed back in bed and checked the time. "Only seven in the morning. I wanna die." He groaned and turned over, pulling me close and kissing my cheek. I combed my fingers through his hair and smiled. "Lets go back to sleep babe. Please?" He nodded and stood again, closing the curtains to make it pitch black, then locking the door. He got in bed and crawled back between my legs, resting his hands on the sides of my stomach, and putting his head into my cleavage. I wrapped my arms around his bare back and dragged the duvet over us again.


I woke up to a soft licking on my stomach. "George stop." It stopped, but soon went to my neck and licked more, making me giggle, though I was getting mad. "Baby. I said stop. I'm not in the mood right now." It stopped again and went directly into my ear, making me sit up and yell. "Okay that's too far, Miller!" I opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the bed, along with the other guys behind him. I looked down and saw a pile of cotton balls. "Why the fuck is there a pi-" I got cut off as two black eyeballs peeped up at me. I almost
screamed as I picked up the tiny white Pomeranian. "Oh my god... who's is it?!" George chuckled and kissed me. "Ours if you want it." I kissed him back, then scoffed. "Ours? You mean mine?" I smiled and held it, sticking my tongue out at him. He smiled and looked at me with a smirk. "You want pictures of you and the puppy for Instagram, don't you?" I nodded and leaped from the bed, out to the balcony. I raised the pup above me and touched noses with it, closing my eyes. Right when the camera clicked, the puppy closed it's eyes too, making the picture perfect. I took my phone from his hands and posted it, getting thousands of likes in the first few seconds. Along with comments about how cute me and George were together, how cute the puppy was, and how cute I was. One from George saying, "Our first kid." With a heart and a bride after it. I giggled and kissed him. "What's it's name?" He looked at me and though for a while. "Well it's a boy. I kinda like bear because that's what he looks like." I nodded. "Yeah. We're going with bear." Max laughed from the door behind you two. "Such a unique name." He said sarcastically. I shooed him away with a smile.George and I stood up and walked to the living room. "Babe, you wanna go for a drive? I need to clear my mind but I still want you to be in it." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Of course. Let me get my shoes. You want yours too?" He looked over his shoulder. "No y/n. I'm just gonna walk around without shoes." You shrugged and played along with his little game. "Suit yourself." He got up and smirked. "Yes. Please bring my my shoes." I smiled victoriously and went into our room, grabbing both pairs of the grey Vans. We put on our shoes, walked out, and got in a black car. We drove along until we got to a firework shop. I looked out the window and stared. "What're we doing here?" He looked at me and winked as he got out and a group of guys cheered. I furrowed my brows in confusion and got out, making them all stop and look me up and down. There were a couple of rude compliments thrown out. "Damn George. You really scored one."
"Look at that ass."
But some stood out to me.
"She's so beautiful."
"Her hair flows nicely."
"She looks like she'd have a great personality." All comments caused George to stare with a frown, as well as pride.
One guy came up to me and bowed, taking my hand in his and kissing it. It took me by surprise when he spoke in a British accent. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Samuel, but you may call me Sam." I smiled and giggled. "My name is y/n. I'm George's girlfriend." He inhaled and stood up straight, clearly being the tallest in the group. "Ah. What a lovely name." I giggled. "Thank you but, will you excuse me for a sec?" I walked over to George and tapped him. "Babe, what're we doing here?" I asked, clearly a bit fussy. He looked down at me and smiled. "Firework fight. Duh." My face went blank with fear.


We got out at a large field that was on the edge of a hill, behind an abandoned preschool. I looked at George. "So a firework fight. You shoot fireworks at each other, yes?" George looked at me, stuck his tongue out, and nodded like Ed from Lion King. (We're fighting if you don't know what I mean.) I giggled and continued to walk. I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down, seeing a large river with a waterfall going into it. I heard footsteps behind me but didn't mind it. I took out my phone and tried taking pictures. All of a sudden, a firework slammed on the ground next to me, causing me to scream and run. I looked behind me and saw George laughing. "George Miller!" I ran full speed at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him to the ground. Instead of ending up on my feet again, he grabbed the hem of my pants and dragged me down with him. I ended up on top, face to face with the one I love. "Looks like I'm dominate now." I winked. He immediately flipped me over, making him end up on top with his hands around my wrists and shins over my legs. His dark brown hair hung in front of his face, making me smile. "Don't get your hopes up baby girl.~" He leaned down and kissed me, slightly biting on my lower lip. It was only getting deeper when Sam cleared his throat. "We're not gonna turn this into a porn scene now are we?" George got up with a laugh and helped me up. "I would've if you clowns weren't here." Everyone laughed and walked to the open field. I wondered what George was doing when he flipped his hair to the side and put one of the dudes glasses on. He got down on all fours and looked up at me. "Welcome. To the rice fields motha fuckaaah."
My dumbass was supposed to upload this yesterday. I legit saved, closed out of the app, and came back. It was gone. It did this 3 times. Can someone please kill me.

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