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My Apartment
     I woke up in Jojis arms, just like I had fallen asleep. He was holding me close like he was protecting me. A few moments later his grip tightened mumbling, "No. Don't hurt her. Take me instead. Please I'm begging you. Please. Please no!" I decided to wake him up by touching his face lightly. "George... George what's wrong?" He woke and sat up. "Y/n? I-i thought you were gone..." was all he could say before tears rolled down his cheeks. I sat up and hugged him, not really knowing what happened. "It's okay. I'm here. It wasn't real."
     He must've been crying loud because Max and Ian came in. Ian looked at me, then Joji. "Are you guys okay? What happened?" I looked at the guys and just put my finger to my lips, shushing them. They nodded and left the room, going into the kitchen to make breakfast. A few moments later George had stopped crying and backed up. "I'm sorry it's just I had this dream. And me and you were in a room. Our feet were in shackles and we were hugging each other. Then this dude came in really bloody and he had a knife. It was dripping blood too. But he took the shackles off of your ankle and tried to take you. I-i tried to hold on, I really did. I was saying I'd do anything to keep you. But... he took you. He took you y/n!" He pulled me into a hug again. I grabbed his face and pulled him up, wiping his tears with my thumbs. "George. Look at me." He looked up with me with those brown puppy eyes of his. "I'm right here. And I'm not being taken by anyone with bloody clothes or a bloody knife. Now, Max and Ian are making food. Cmon I'm starving." He smirked and pulled my head down, kissing my forehead. "Hey hey hey mister. You watch that. You're still in the friend zone." He groaned. "Can I at least move up a tic? Like, 'Friends with benefits or something'?" I smiled and walked up to him. "Fine. You win. Friends with benefits it is. But don't," I put my finger against his bare chest and the other flat on the mattress, making him fall as I slowly crawled onto him, still having one foot on the floor and the other bent at the knee on the bed. "Get too carried away." I got off of him, leaving him with a shocked look on his face. I got into the kitchen and looked at the guys, stretching. They stared at me like I was an alien with six limbs as I tilted my head. Joji was heard coming down the hall and Max immediately went back to cooking along with Ian handing him the ingredients. Joji raised an eyebrow. "What's with the awkward silence?.. Wait... Ian and Max are being little kids right now! Really cunts? You see y/n shirtless and start getting all blushy and gay?" I giggled. "Geez guys. I'll go put a shirt on." I walked away and went into my room, hearing George whisper something something along the lines of "You don't touch her or even fantasize about her. She's mine." I put on a loose white cropped top and walked out sitting on the couch. Max brought four plates filled with pancakes, two omelets and fruit. There were only three spots on the couch and due to the guys man-spreading, I could barely fit. There was one chair but filled with blankets and pillows so George had nowhere to sit, so he started complaining. "Guys move over. Please? My back hurts." Max and Ian ignored him so I got up, grabbed his plate, and violently pushed him into the seat. He looked at me and so did the guys. I sat in his lap and picked up both of our plates, handing him his, then getting comfy. I acted like it was no big deal but when I looked back at Joji his eyes were a bit wide and he was blushing. I looked at him, then the boys. "What?" I said with my cheeks full of food. Ian and Max looked away shrugging like they didn't know. Joji grabbed my plate from my hands and grabbed my waist, pulling my back against his chest and whispering "nothing baby girl," he picked up a strawberry from the plate and put it between my lips "Now eat your fruits." He leaned closer and bit the other side, his lips grazing against mine. Ian looked over, "can you guys stop? Me and maxi are trying to eat." Max just nodded. My smile appeared as I blushed deeply. "Yeah guys. Sorry."


     Joji and I were now walking the streets doing random things. He looked at me and decided to pop a question. "What'd you think about my act earlier?" I smiled and looked back at him. "I thought it was very sexual. Kind of a turn on." He smiled, showing off his cheek bones. "You were the one squirming on my hips. You know that I was in utter shock, but at the same time in heaven?!" I blushed and looked down at the grey pavement. "Guess I didn't think about that. Sorry." He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't be sorry Princess. It was enjoyable.~" I blushed even harder at his words, actions, and tone. "Dammit George. Stop." I said with a giggle. He looked down at me and pulled my face up from my chin. "You're blushing. Hardcore. Was it something I said?" He asked sarcastically. I simply stood on my tiptoes, deciding to give him a taste of his own medicine. I pecked his lips, then backed away, leaving him standing there with his eyes closed. "Nah." I kept walking. He caught up. "Man what the hell was that? I thought I was actually gonna get a good kiss." I shrugged, making a slight frown. "Maybe next time.~"
     I live on a hill and there's a house down the hill and to the left because we let them have a bit of our land. We have new neighbors so I decided they needed to get used to some things if they're gonna be here. I turned on Pink Season and got a noise complaint. ƪ(˘—˘)ʃ
~Word Count<>1070

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