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Your apartment
     "Mmm~." I flipped over, coming face to face with George and smiling. He opened his eyes and whispered. "Hey beautiful." I shot up and scrunched my nose. "Fuck. Your morning breath is terrible." He laughed and got up, giving himself two mints, then giving me three. "Yours is worse." I rolled my eyes and put all three on my tongue. "Fuck you." He kissed my cheek. "We did that last night. If you didn't notice, we're both naked. But I can go for another round." I rolled my eyes and stayed in bed as I slipped on underwear and a bra. As I was about to walk away, he grabbed me and pulled me back into the covers, caressing my body as if he was trying to memorize my every curve and groove. He looked into my eyes and smiled as he kissed me passionately. I giggled lightly and kissed him back until I heard someone knock on the door. I got up and quickly put on some pants, making my way to the door. I opened it and saw Max, Ian, And Chad. They covered their eyes. "Dammit y/n. Hide your damn marks going down your entire fucking body." Max blurted. I looked down and saw the purplish love bites, so I grabbed a shirt from the couch and slipped it on. George came out and looked at the guys, then smiled and hugged each one. "Glad y'all got here safely." Max looked up at George and made an annoyed face. "Fuck up. Cunt." Chad laughed from behind and Ian just smiled. "Thank you George. Max is just being a pussy right now since he had to get up early." Max groaned and shoved passed the small crowd, going straight into the guest bedroom and slamming the door. I went over to the door and softly knocked. "Max. I'm coming in." He groaned again. I went inside and sat on the bed beside him.

"Max... tell me what's up."

"It's just," his voice broke "I miss Katt..."

"No, don't cry..." I rubbed his back.

"It's like, I love her. And she says to do what I want like making videos and shit. But I'm not making time for her. And I realized it yesterday and just kept thinking. I text her, apologizing and she just said not to worry about it. But then I overthink: what if she's not okay? What if she's cheating on me? What if she's dying and I don't even know?!"

"Max... I'll buy you a ticket. You can go there tomorrow. I'll cancel the room you've been staying in and Ian can either go back to LA or stay here with me and George. Just get some rest and I'll wake you up when it's time for you to go. Okay?"


I got up and walked to the door, switching off the lights. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight. Oh. Uhm. Thank you..."

"You're welcome."


Ian fell asleep after dinner and George and I went to the room. I grabbed his laptop and logged on, emailing the owner of the house and canceling the room, then getting Max a first class seat on a one way to Australia. After I was done, I smiled with satisfaction and closed the computer, laying down. George was already beside me snoring quietly and twitching. I moved his hair from his face and scoot against his back, getting comfortable, then slowly drifting into my peaceful dreams.
I got up at exactly 5:45am and went over to Max's room, knocking, then walking in. "Maxy... it's time to get up. Your flight leaves at 6:20..." He groaned and flipped over, looking up at me, then sitting up and slipping a shirt on. "Thank you. Again." I smiled and hugged him. "Don't mention it. Just tell Katt I said hi." He laughed and hugged back. "I will. She thinks you're adorable. Give this to the guys. It's a Suici- I mean a goodbye note." He laughed softly and I let out a small one after. "Alright. I will. Love you, cunt. Bye." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "Love you too y/n. Bye."
Tony called me into work today because I never got fired so I got up and slipped my work outfit on, then Vans. I grabbed my keys and went outside, getting in George's "Pink Season" car. (1991-1993 Dodge Stealth Twin Turbo / Mitsubishi GT / Mitsubishi 3000GT Dodge Stealth my Dad was a mechanic. I know my cars. I'll include a pic if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

I started it up and buckled in, then put my hands at 10 and 3, driving off

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I started it up and buckled in, then put my hands at 10 and 3, driving off. I know work wasn't far from where I lived but I just decided to stop at the grocery shop, bank, and pet store to prepare for Bears arrival.
     I walked into the cafe and went behind the counter, waving a hi to Brooke and waiting. A young man came up to me. Shorter than George and weaker. By a landslide... He smiled and winked at me.

"Hey baby what's you're name?"

"You can't read my name tag?"

"I don't wanna know your name. I just wanna know what you're about baby."

"One, you asked my name. Two, I'll show you that I'm about to beat your ass. Three, if I'm your baby, please put me up for adoption."

Brooke giggled from behind me.

"Aye yo whatchu giggling about bitch?" He put his arms up.

"Excuse me sir... I'm the only one who can call her bitch."

"Then I'll call her whore."

"Hell, She gets more action than you. And she doesn't have to do it by force."

He rolled his eyes and walked out making Tony burst into a laughing fit with Brooke.

"Ah. Good ol' y/n. We missed your morning fights with the customers." Tony said.

I turned and looked at him as he put his arm around me. "Tony..." I smiled "thats not a customer. That's a cunstomer."

Brooke scream laughed from the back and Tony just nodded his head while being out of breath.
     I know. I've been slacking. Im sorry. We got another puppy we're babysitting for my sister while she cleans her dorms. And shes gonna get him tomorrow. So. I might be back on my regular schedule.
Word Count<>1062

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