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     I was back at work talking to Brooke and waiting for customers. The usual. I heard the bell ding and I got off the counter immediately and spun around. Our faces were inches apart. George grabbed my head and kissed it. "How's my baby girl doing at work today?" I let out the breath I was holding and blushed. "It's fine. Business is slow. And when did I become your 'baby girl'?" He stayed silent and bit his lip, staring into my eyes. "Well I mean. You could be." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "You only wish." He jumped over the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist, putting his forehead on mine and our lips only about an inch apart. "I think you're the one who's doing all the wishing here." I could feel his breath against my lips. His smell of cheap cologne and cigarettes filled my nostrils, literally putting me into a trance. I just stared. Brooke came out and yelled, "Oh my god! You're Filthy Frank!" George looked over and smiled with a slight chuckle. He backed up, though held me beside him from my waist. "Yeah. The one and only. And you are?" Brooke put down a cup she was cleaning and wiped her hands. "I'm Brooke. I've been here since day one with your crazy girlfriend." My face fell as George's brightened. "Yeah. My silly baby cakes." He squished both of my cheeks together and kissed my temple. My face started to heat up. Brooke gestured at me. "Hey check it out. Y/n is blushing like a Japanese school girl from an anime movie."


After my shift was over, I walked outside and looked at George as he smoked a cigarette. He glanced over at me and threw it on the ground, stomping it out, then walked over to me and crouched down. "You know that scene in Twilight where he gives her a piggy back ride up the hill at like sonic speed?" I raised a brow. "Yeah why?" He smirked. "Jump on my back baby. Cause we're about to Twilight this shit." I giggled and jumped on his back. Immediately after, he took off. About half way up the small hill he told me to get off. I got off and looked at him, out of breath and wheezing. "Joji are you okay? Maybe we should sit down." He waved his hand, dismissing my comment. "No no no. I'm good. By the way. This is how you're gonna look when I fuck y-." I hit his arm. "George Miller!" He did his goofy scream laugh and shook his body violently. I just blushed and started walking off. He soon saw and jogged after me, then spun me around and kissed my cheek. "Race you to my apartment he said as he took off. I ran after him. Little did he know, I was in the top 3 in my track class in college, being #1. I lowered my stance and sprinted after him, leaving him in the dust and using the technique I had taught myself. I soon came to the complex and sped up the stairs. About half way I saw him come in the door and head straight to the elevator. I pushed myself harder and got right to the top when the elevator dinged and he bolted out. I got to his door and touched it before he could. He groaned and laid on the floor, panting loudly. I stuck my tongue out at him, then grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked his door, walking in. I stepped over the suits he had stacked neatly on the floor and plopped on his couch. A few minutes later he dragged himself in. "How the hell are you not dying?" I giggled and walked over, helping him up. "I was #1 in my track class." He raised his eyes brows. "Wow. I'm impressed..." He kissed my temple again and walked off to his bathroom. I walked over and turned on the tv, watching Rick and Morty. George soon came out dressed with grey joggers and a black shirt with holes in it. "I have a meeting to go to with some dudes. Have to record a song." I nodded my head and smiled. "Okay. Have fun." He kissed my cheek and walked out, ordering an uber.


I woke to my phone buzzing quietly. I picked it up and answered.



"Hey y/n. It's me. I'll be home in about an hour."

"I fell asleep. How long have you been gone?"

"About 3-4 hours. You don't remember having sex then passing out on the couch while I went to shower?"

"We what?!"

THOM {Joji Miller x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now