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My apartment
It was morning already. Nobody was next to me in bed. The apartment complex was so silent, you could hear a pin drop two floors up. Joji and I got back home at about 2:50am, immediately crashing in bed together. I clearly remember, but at the moment... he was nowhere to be found. I got up and slipped on a baggy shirt and sweatpants, then put on some Adidas slides and went to his apartment. I knocked on the door and a few moments later he answered wearing nothing but an old stained plaid flannel, glasses, boxers, and a gross combover. "Oh uh. Y/n! It's early, why are you up?" He said as he took off his glasses and fixed his hair. I was still a bit clueless. "Uh... I have work...what're you doing?..." He quickly turned a bright red. "Don't ask. I was just messing around. You know... having a runway walk..." I stood on my tiptoes and peaked over his shoulder seeing pink, white, and black bodysuits. The white looked like it had a green hat with eyes beside it. "What's that?" He chuckled nervously and pushed me back a little with his chest. "Go back to your apartment and get dressed before you're late. I'll meet you at the cafe." I turned and walked to the apartment, putting on my uniform while thinking about him. 'What was he doing? Does he have a fetish? Or some kind of kink?... Nah. It can't be.'


I was at the cafe and serving people until I heard a loud crash. I looked up to see the three stooges, Ian, Max, and finally George. I peaked around the line of people, seeing they had knocked over someone's table and an extra chair. "Brooke! Take over! I have a clean up to do!" I ran over to George, looking at the guys. "What the hell! Ugh." I picked him up. He was covered in coffee and all sticky. "You, go to the restroom and wash off. I'll bring you some work clothes that you can wear. You two," I pointed at Max and Ian. "Sit. Now." They looked at me with a shamed look, then sat down. I picked up the table and smiled at the costumers. "I'm so sorry. I'll give you the next coffee on the house." They scoffed and walked out. I cleaned the mess, then knocked on the men's room. "Get out here. The boss said you can have some of our unused merchandise." He came out with his head down. I grabbed his hand and walked him into a room in the way back. I opened a box and took out a blue shirt. He groaned. "Do you have any black? Or grey?" I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, then grabbed a wet cloth, rubbing him down and answering his question. "Yeah we have black. You want black pants too?" He chuckled. "Yeah. Please." I turned around and bent over, looking in the boxes. Jojis arms wrapped around me and pulled me, spinning my form, then pinning me against the wall and getting close to my face. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered, then nibbled my earlobe. He made his way down, attacking my neck and sucking roughly on a spot, then bitting it, leaving a purplish red mark. I groaned a bit as soon as he backed off and winked, taking the shirt and pants. He put them on and gently touched my chin, turning my head to the side. "You're gonna have to let that hair down gorgeous." I just groaned again and swatted his hand. Then grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Two words George. Friend. Zone." I let go of him and went to get out but the door was locked. "Shit. Lemme call Brooke." I pulled out my phone and called. No answer. I called the phone for the cafe and my manager picked up. "Hello?" I smiled. "Hey Tony this is y/n. Yeah we're trapped in the closet. Damn thing locked from the outside again." He chuckled on the other end. "I'll be there in a sec." He hung up and we waited. About 3 minutes later I heard the keys jingling, then the door open. "Thanks boss." I smiled. George bust out laughing and I just looked at him. He was holding onto the wall and repeating "boss" I raised a brow and grabbed his hand, walking back to the guys. Upon getting back to the table, Max looked at me. "WOAH that's why ya were in there so long! Ian check it out dude! George got some puss!" Ian looked up and shoved max. "Dude shut up. Stop being such a child. She could've just gotten a burn from the seatbelt. Like the time that I got it on my chest and neck when we were going to the beach and got in the accident." I instantly remembered the love bite on my neck and put my hair down, covering it and blushing. I looked over at George with a angry expression but he just kissed my cheek and smirked with pride. I sat in front of Ian and Max. "Look guys. We didn't fuck. I basically got sexually assaulted." George instantly jumped up. "Whoa okay. I did not rape her. Or whatever she said. But I did kiss her neck. I wanted to see if I could unfriend zone myself." Ian slowly brought up his phone that was playing a tune. I raised my brow, seeing George become angry as it sang.

"Do you know why you're lonely?
It's cause you're fat... and gay..."

He tried to snatch for Ian's phone but Max held him down, laughing.

"Girls don't choose the nice guys...
and you're a nice guy. But you're fat... and you're fucking gay."

Ian giggled as a growl was heard from George.

"And why don't girls see the inside?
Oh they do! And they see... that you're still fat and gay."

Ian joined in with one arm, holding him down as he held the phone towards me so I could hear.

"There's no such thing as the friend zone, friend zone~
The only reason that you're lonely is cause you're fat and gay."

Max and Ian sang along just to make him even angrier. His face was red and he was sweating.

There's no such thing as the friend zone, friend zone (boss)
The only reason that you're lonely is cause you're fat and gay."

I giggled out loud and looked at Ian. "What was that song? I love it!" Ian smiled at me it's called fri-" he got cut off by George ripping from Max's grip and covering Ian's mouth. "Listen here Ian. We swore we wouldn't share that... especially if we had a girl around." He went to snatch for Ian's phone but he held it above his head. "Aye max, look! The little gook can't reach it!" I covered my face as I noticed people looking. My boss grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. "Hey y/n. It's a couple of hours early but go home. You've dealt with enough today." He gestured to the three guys fighting behind me and playing monkey in the middle with Ian's phone. I just nodded and sighed, then grabbed George's flailing arm, dragging him out.
Happy fourth! It's also my brother, Jakes birthday today. I woke up this morning, looked at the sky and said "happy birthday Jake. I hope you're resting well." Have fun with your family and friends!

THOM {Joji Miller x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now