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     "Well I'm sure you remember Noah. The one who came out to me and you at lunch."

"Yeah yeah."

"Well he text me and said "hey baby." And George took it the wrong way. I figured it was best if I gave him his space. And come back to Brooklyn..."

"Hm. Did you tell him yet?"

"Yeah. Sent him a video of Noah telling me he loves me and misses me."

"Then I'm sure he'll understand..."

"I don't know. I feel bad that I just... abandoned him there. After he walked out I just booked a flight, packed my bags, and left."

"He abandoned you first. He's the one who got up and left."

"Yeah I guess. I'm just gonna go back to my apartment. Come by later if you want."

"Yeah my break time is over anyways. See ya!"

     I grabbed my backpack and got up, leaving the cafe. I walked into a record place and looked around to waste time and to distract my mind, then went to target and got some stuff. I picked up a new shirt that I liked and a cap, then a bikini and some cheap lingerie. I paid and walked out, shoving the things in my backpack. I walked down the streets, suddenly I stopped and looked around. This is the spot where I met George... I started to tear up and I walked faster. Soon, I got into my complex and closed all the curtains, making it pitch black. I turned on the TV and cried a bit, then through the light from the show I was watching, I saw a small square envelope. I walked over and picked it up and only saw the words "Sorry." Written on it in scribbles. I opened it and saw a small Tom and Jerry flash drive. I plugged it into my computer and opened the file. The song started up, making my heart flutter.

"I can't feel my face, but only when I'm with you.
Please forgive me.
When I lose control, it's only cause I miss you.
Please forgive me.
Tell me what you mean. When you whisper late at night.
Once in a while.
I'm digging through the scars that we failed to heal.
And once in a while, I'm digging through the scars.
So please go back to sleep.
By the ocean rolls.
When I lose control.
Be here every once in a while.
By the ocean rolls.
When I lose control oh.
Tell me what you mean. When you whisper late at night.
Once in a while, I'm digging through the scars that we failed to heal.
And once in a while, I'm digging through the scars.
So please go back to sleep."

I sniffled slightly and smiled. I laid back on my bed and heard a crash from his room. "Ow, fuck, Shit." He probably had his ear against the wall. "Why the fuck did I have my ear against the wall?!" I giggled and heard a knock on my door a couple of minutes later. I got up and went over, opening it. He practically tackled me, bringing me to the floor. "Never leave me again. Please. Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts?" I hugged him tightly. "I won't. And because I turned my phone off after sending that video." He just stayed silent and hugged me until I felt a wet spot on my chest. I lifted his face up and moved his hair. "Why're you crying?" He sniffled like a little kid. "I-I thought I was gonna l-l-lose you." He bursted into tears again and I helped him up and took him to bed. "Alright babe. Cmon." I tucked him in, then got beside him. He turned over quickly and cried against my chest. It made me hurt to see him like this. "I'm sorry George. This is my fault." He sniffled and looked up at me with puffy eyes. "N-no. It's my fault. I shouldn't have over r-reacted. It was just a-a gay friend." I rubbed his arm gently. "Cmon. Get some rest. I'll be right here." He waited for a second. "Can I be little spoon?" I giggled and awwed. "That's so cute. Yes." I got behind him and spooned him as he held my hand. He slowly sat up and threw his shirt and pants off, then mine. "Better." I just went along with it as I smiled. His back was warm and cuddly. He had super smooth skin that I could feel all day. 'Is that creepy?' I covered both of us and yawned, kissing the back of his neck. "I love you." I heard a slight snore, then a quiet. "I love you too y/n."
I stayed awake for a while as he slept in my arms. I thought about how much I missed his touch, feeling, embrace, presence, tattoos, muscular body, and his hair. I didn't know how much I loved this idiot until now. He's everything I wanted in a man: Funny, handsome, smart, protective, proud, childish, silly, playful, and all around loving and caring. He flipped over and grabbed me, dragging me in. He smelled of Cologne, sweat, tears, cigarettes, and weed. I combed my fingers through his hair and hummed the song lightly. "You liked it?" I nodded and smiled, though he couldn't see me. "Of course. It's only been less than a day and you have no idea how much I missed you. And your sexy voice." He looked up and I could see the sparkle in his eyes. "You think my voice is sexy?" I bit my lip and winked. "Very." He crawled on top of me and kissed me hungrily. I kissed back with the same affection and bit his lip. He bit mine in return and slipped his tongue passed mine, exploring my mouth carefully. He pulled away and a small string of saliva hang from our lips as we caught our breath.
"Damn baby girl. I missed you."

THOM {Joji Miller x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now