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Three days later
The nurse walked in and saw me and George. George was spooning me and we were both asleep. So she slowly went up and extended his arm, taking the IV out and throwing it away, then wrapping it up. I woke up and looked at her.

"Is he ready to go?"

"Yep. He just needs to wake up so he can sign the papers and get new medicines."

"Alright. Well. He's naked under that robe so I'll wake him and tell him to put his clothes on, then call you back."

"Alright." The nurse walked out.

I slowly put my hand on his head and combed my fingers through his hair.

"Baby, wake up. Put some clothes on so we can go."

"Hm? Oh." He stood up and dropped his robe right in front of me, then put his grey sweatpants and white shirt on.

"Commando with grey sweatpants? You sure that's a good idea?"

"It's not but it's really comfy."

"Alright. Whatever you say."

I went out and got the nurse again and she came in with a small bag of pills. She explained each one but for some reason George just kept laughing. Eventually, she gave up and just handed me a paper explaining everything. I signed and nodded, thanking her, then grabbing his hand and walking out. Luckily, everyone took an Uber and we had the buggy.


We got home and walked in to see everyone on the couch eating cereal. They waved and I raised my brow and took George to the room. He sat on the bed and looked at the three bottles they gave him. I read the papers.

George Miller
          Blue capped bottle: "Take one a day before or after a meal. For seizures."
          Red capped bottle: "Pick two days out of the week (ex. Monday and Thursday.) Take in the mornings.
          Yellow capped bottle: "Nausea may occur with some medicines. Take these whenever you please."

"Alright Babe. You gotta take these medicines. Where do you want me to put them?"

"On the dresser is fine."

I put the bottles on the dresser and saw a small index card left in the bag. I took it out and read again.

Y/n L/n, be sure to change your husbands bandages every day until the wound becomes scarred up or the stitches fall out. If not done, serious fungal infections could occur and be very expensive to heal.

I looked over at George, then sat down beside him.

"Says I have to change my 'husbands' bandages."

"Ooh. Go ahead wifey-poo."

"Shut up. Come here. These are pretty old so I have to take them off."

He leaned up. "Is this gonna hurt?"

"The bandage might snag a bit and the tape will pull the skin. So maybe. I also have to clean it with peroxide or alcohol." I got up and walked to my suitcase, taking the things out of my first aid kit, then walking back to him.



"I'm scared..."

"Babe... don't be. Just relax. If you need something to hold onto while I'm peeling it, you can hold my thighs or you can just tell me when to stop and go. Okay?"

"Okay..." He responded in a shaky voice.

I straddled his lap and slowly started to peel them off, making him grip my leg and groan with his teeth together.

"Stop stop stop!"

I stopped and looked at him as tears rolled down his face.

"I'm being such a pussy."

"No you aren't.  I understand that it hurts. I've had stitches on my stomach before, after a wreck I had. I had to change the bandages myself because I was all alone. My mom and Dad didn't care much. Now just take deep breaths. It'll be over soon. I promise." After He was ready, I finally got the bandage all the way off, then put peroxide on a cotton ball. "Hold my hand if you want." He immediately held my hand and nodded, getting ready. I placed the cotton ball on his nose, causing him to hiss and wince in pain. I blew on it a little bit, then wiped it off with a soft towel. I placed the new bandage on and looked at him.


"Yeah. Thank you."

"Yeah. Now come on. You needa eat and take your medicine."

"But I don't wanna!"

"George! Stop acting like a baby."


I sighed and rubbed my head. "If I give you sprite with it, will you take it?"


"Okay you can have sprite."

"Yes!" He ran out of the room. I walked out after him and watched everyone as they looked at him and laughed.

"He has more balls then y'all. You both would've stayed silent as he felt me up. Or called the police. Pussies."

George got up and came into the kitchen with me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against himself. He planted kisses all over the back of my neck, making me giggle a bit.

"Wanna go swimming? I heard sea water is good for wounds."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I should probably eat first though."


"Damn. You know me too good."


After a while we all put our swimsuits on and walked to the beach. George would randomly pick me up and kiss me or hug me. We held hands as we stepped on the warm sand and trotted to the shore. We got ourselves situated and Anisa and Katt laid down to work on their tan. George decided he would try also but that plan failed miserably. Max got his arms and Ian got his legs, then ran into the water and swung him. "ONE-TWO-THREE!" They shouted and let him go. He landed safely in the deep parts of the water and came up for air, then swam back to the guys and whispered something. They smiled and nodded. I looked down at my phone because it vibrated when I got a text from brook. I glanced up and saw George, Ian, and Max sprinting at me. Before I could say anything, George took off my coverup and they grabbed my arms and legs the same way. My limp noodle body was no match for them. They swung me more because I was lighter and threw me in. I screamed and flailed in the air, then hit the water with the slash and swam up. I heard the guys laughing as I grumbled. George swam over to me and kissed me deeply, then moved the hair from my face and looked me in the eyes. I stared back at him and blushed with a slight shiver.

"Still getting used to the water hm?"


"Why're you stuttering?"

"I get shy around you..."

"Baby, we've been together for a year and a half! How're you still shy?!"

"Because you're super hot and when you look at me like that I get all choked up and scared."

"You're so fuckin cute."

"Shut uuup!"
Word Count<>1177

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